Rebuilding - Torah in our lives - Part 4


Rebuilding - Torah in our lives - Part 4

Rebuilding Torah in Lives

Segment 1

Segment 2

Slides and Study Notes

Introduction: We have been investigating the significance of Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) and seeing it as the expression of the presence of YAHWEH and also as a Divine Parable for all time. The last teaching showed how highly esteemed Yerushalayim should be in our thinking and we know that the charm of its natural form represents the visible reach of the sacred radiance that’s dwelt within the City: 

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 Tehillim (Psalms) 48:2-3 YAHWEH is great and greatly to be praised in the City of our Elohim. In his Holy mountain . The vision of beauty, the joy of all the Earth, is Mount Zion on the sides of the North the City of the Great King. 


It was to the people of Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) that YermeYAHU (Jeremiah) was commanded to address his Prophetic call, reminding them of the Exodus from Mitsrayim (Egypt) as we read: 

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YermeYAHU (Jeremiah) 2:2 “go forth and call out to the ears of Yerushalayim saying: So says YAHWEH, I remember the goodness of your youth, the zeal of your Betrothal when you followed Me into the desert.   

Before the fall of Yerushalayim the City was one that radiated beauty with great walls, beautiful gates and a Temple that brought honour from all lands yet in all this its heart, the people were corrupted and had turned away from YAHWEH their Elohim though many Prophets had been sent to them, until finally Yerushalayim lay in Ruins. 

The Beauty of the great tale of Ezra & NechemYAH (Nehemiah) is that after the Prophesied 70 years of Captivity the people were able to return to their beloved City and we have now seen the Walls rebuilt and the Gates hung making Yerushalayim once again a place of safety.

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As we spiritualize this picture we came to the conclusion that Yerushalayim was representative of the presence & radiance of YAHWEH in the World but also that it was a Metaphor or natural image of all believers representing the person in Covenant with YAHWEH that radiated his presence with the Walls being an image of the thought life of the individual and the Gates of the City representing the believers words and decisions being the result of external forces that enter and those that are rejected or expelled all of which are so essential in making the person or in the Natural Yerushalayim an appearance of the Radiance of YAHWEH. 

I fear however that this picture is where the World of Christianity has remained since we are taught by them, that what is required is to love & believe in the King our saviour who has set us free from the Captivity of sin by his great sacrifice followed by a change of thinking therefore having the mind renewed and a change in the Words spoken, neglecting the most vital cause for the exile into captivity which was the breaking of the Covenant which then led to acceptance of foreign Elohim. 

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Within this tale however is a message of inner rebuilding and establishment of the Words of YAHWEH that are eternal, revealed through his Torah which is his loving instructions for all time which he never came to abolish in order that his beloved people learn to live according to his righteousness. We have been taught that only through the blood of Yahshua is Salvation available and that nothing we do will avail us and though this is true we have then forgotten that he has redeemed us and empowered us with his RUACH (Spirit) that we may live for him and have his Torah written in our hearts. This means that it is not his Torah that has changed but our heart that he came to change that by our redemption we may desire to fulfil his Torah because we are redeemed & renewed since Sha’ul (Paul) says the following:

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QorintYah Bet (2nd Corinthians) 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Messiah he is a renewed creature: old things are passed away; behold all things have become renewed. (Hidden Truths NT) 

Just as the walls of Yerushalayim were rebuilt from the broken & burnt stones so too the believer is rebuilt by using the bricks of our past & renewing them since we are the workmanship of YAHWEH created in Machiach (Messiah):

Ephsi’yah (Ephesians) 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Messiah Yahshua unto good works, which Elohim prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. 


These works are the Works of the Torah that reveal our deep love for YAHWEH our beloved Elohim and that of his precious son Yahshua. 


Rebuilding Torah in People’s Lives

We must remember that even before NechemYAH came to Yerushalayim Ezra had already implemented various instructions but we read that when NechemYAH came the City was still living in Anarchy. Cannot we see that the neglecting of Torah is equivalent to living in Anarchy! The inhabitants of Yerushalayim felt that they too could live as they felt was right and the question is why could not Ezra alter this situation greatly. The truth is that he did not carry the authority of the King to enforce the Kings precepts. NechemYAH on the other hand had the power and authority to do the commands of the King.

We could say it was like the Talmidim (Disciples) who thought they could stand in their own strength as seen by the statement of Kepha (Peter) in:

Yahuchanan (John) 13:37 Kepha (Peter) said to him, Master (Adoni) why cannot I follow you now? I will lay down my life for your sake.   


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We know that in only a short space of time Kepha denied the Master three times because in his strength he was destined to fail but after all the Talmidim (Disciples) received the RUACH Ha Qodesh (The Holy Spirit) there was a great transformation as all of them were able to stand strong in the faith. So it was in the case of Yerushalayim since it was only when NechemYAH came with the authority of the King that he united the people to rebuild the Walls, hang the Gates and defend against all the tactics of the enemy. 


This however was not the end of this story because now the tale of rebuilding turns inward to establish righteousness within the inhabitants of the City just as the intention of the RUACH (Spirit) has been to turn us towards the obedience of Torah as the final step in the progressive rebuilding of our lives that we may radiate the presence of YAHWEH to the World through devoted dedication to his Torah which is his loving instructions for righteous living for all time. Since each step that we have addressed is vital in the rebuilding of lives we will now need to examine how NechemYAH achieved the inner work of rebuilding the lives of the People to understand how we can apply this to our lives.

Strategy 1- Love your Neighbour:

We read in chapter 5 of the book NechemYAH a major problem that needed to be addressed:

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NechemYAH 5: 1Now the outcry of the people concerning their Yahudi (Jewish) brothers was great. 

5:5 They said “Our flesh is like the flesh of our brothers and our sons like theirs, yet we must press our sons and daughters into servitude (slavery) and we are powerless and our fields and vineyards are given to others.    

The gross problem that NechemYAH had to deal with now was that even though the congregation were all working to save the lives of all the inhabitants within Yerushalayim the Aristocrats who were also the rich were exploiting the poorer people by enslaving their sons and daughters so the poor could buy food to eat. 

Just think within the congregation of people desperate to save their lives by rebuilding the City were people exploiting others for profit even to the point of slavery. 

What must be noted in the case of the Yahudi problem is that the Torah does not empower a man to sell his sons & mature daughters, but due to the severity of the problem they were willing to offend Torah. As we know breaking Torah is acceptable if it saves lives. 

Kiddushin 20a: Says that a man must have sold his house & all his land even his last shirt before he is permitted to take such a step.

NechemYAH dealt with this problem by gathering a large crowd and confronting the Nobles making them feel ashamed but even more importantly he led by example. He specifies that he, his brothers & servants did not eat of the governor’s remuneration but rather used it for the people & especially to ransom back those Yahudim (Jews) who had been sold as slaves to the Goyim (Gentiles).

NechemYAH challenges the Nobles to walk with the fear of Elohim because of the insult of the Nations who were their enemies.

The good news is that the Nobles then said they would make no demands on them and release all debt. 

Even Sha’ul speaking to the Corinthian Assembly found a problem that needed his correction: 

1 Corinthians 6: 1 Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unrighteous, and not before the saints? 

6:7 Now therefore, it is already an utter failure for you that you go to law against one another. Why do you not rather accept wrong? 


When we look in the Nazarene writings we see that the love for the Brethren is a central truth that is constantly taught and Yahuchanan (John) says it this way:

1 Yahuchanan (John) 3:17 But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of Elohim abide in him? 

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Yahshua makes it quite plain that the love for one another is central to the body of Believers in:

Yahuchanan (John) 13: 34- 35 A renewed commandment I give you, that you love one another as I have loved you.

35 By this shall all men know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another.    

This was not a new commandment as in “brand new” but rather a restored commandment. When we begin to show this sort of love for each other it will have a profound effect and be a witness for all to see that we belong to Yahshua. 

Strategy 2- NechemYAH Searched the Book of the Lineage:

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NechemYAH 7:5-6 And my Elohim put it into my heart to gather the nobles and the deputy rulers and the people, in order to be registered by genealogy. And I found a register of the genealogy of those who had come up at the beginning and I found written in it: 6 These are the sons of the province who came back from the captivity of the exiles whom Neḇuḵaḏnetstsar the sovereign of Baḇel (Babylon) had exiled and who returned to Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) and Yahudah (Judah), each to his city,


Why was it that YAHWEH put in NechemYAH’s heart to investigate the genealogy of the people? The answer is that as with Ezra earlier who compiled the lists he understood that many of the Gentiles had infiltrated the people even the priesthood so this work was essential to purify the Priests and all the people that the inhabits of Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) would be those who were in covenant with YAHWEH Elohim of Yisrael and had a deep desire for obedience unto him. 


Note: The sum total of the Family members in this chapter falls far short of the amount of 42,360 people that had returned. 


Metzudos quoting Seder Olam 29 explains that only Judah (Yahudah) & Benyamin are listed by name while another 13,000 of the other tribes also went up to the Holy Land. 


For those that desire to see their lives restored into all that YAHWEH desires, it is necessary therefore to surround ourselves with those in Covenant with YAHWEH lest we be corrupted with false teachings & beliefs which have polluted his people for far too long.  


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1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits & character.”  


We have already discussed how the great influx of Gentiles or Goyim completely changed the faith removing much that the early assemblies who were called Nazarenes believed and who were finally destroyed leaving the faith under the power of Constantine who moulded it to unify his Empire both Politically & Religiously as we saw in the previous teaching.


Strategy 3- The Reading of the Torah


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Now we see the greatest strategy that NechemYAH (Nehemiah) would bring. It is interesting that this happened on the 1st day of the 7th month: 


NechemYAH (Nehemiah) 8:1-2 Then all the people gathered as one man in the open space before the water Gate and told Ezra the Torah scholar to bring the Torah of Mosheh (Moses) which YAHWEH commanded to Yisrael. 2. So Ezra the Kohen (Priest) brought the Torah before the Congregation- on the first day of the Seventh Month. 


6-7 Ezra blessed YAHWEH the great Elohim and all the people answered “Amein, Amein” with their hands upraised then they bowed and prostrated themselves before YAHWEH face to the ground.  


Amazingly Ezra read the Torah on Yom Teruah or the Feast of trumpets. I am sure when Ezra read the following the people understood why they had been taken into captivity:


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Debarim (Deuteronomy) 28:1-2 “And it shall be, if you diligently obey the voice of YHWH

your Elohim, to guard to do all His commands which I command you today, that YAHWEH your Elohim shall set you high above all nations of the earth. 2“And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of YAHWEH your Elohim: 


Debarim (Deuteronomy) 28: 58-60 If you do not guard to do all the Words of this Torah that are written in this book, to fear this esteemed and awesome Name, YHWH your Elohim, 59 then YHWH shall bring upon you and your descendants extraordinary

plagues, great and lasting plagues and grievous and lasting sicknesses. 60“And He shall bring back on you all the diseases of Mitsrayim (Egypt), of which you were afraid and they shall cling to you, 61 also every sickness and every plague, which is not written in the book of this Torah, YHWH does bring upon you until you are destroyed. 


Against the backdrop of the events encountered, the inhabitants of Yerushalayim & Yisrael understood the significance of Yom Teruah or this day of Judgement in which the community would examine itself since the following days are called the “Ten Days of Awe” so we read that all the people wept when they heard the words of the Torah but the leaders encouraged the people that the Favour of Elohim was now with them.

Surely they isplayed true repentance and we would do well to understand the severity of disobeying YAHWEH remembering the pain that it brought to our beloved Saviour Yahshua. 


Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) was for the 1st time since its destruction restored and once again the centre of Yahudi (Jewish) life that it could once again radiate the splendour of YAHWEH the Elohim of Yisrael and be the light to the Nations.  


There is truly such significance in this picture for the believer. We know that Yahshua came to take the curse since scripture says:


Galutyah’im (Galatians) 3:13 Messiah redeemed us from the curse of the Torah, having become a curse for us – for it has been written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs upon a tree. ” –

14 in order that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the nations in Messiah

Yahshua, to receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. 


From this we discover that Messiah took the curse so we could be empowered with the RUACH Ha Qodesh (The Holy Spirit) that by his work in us we might have the power to be obedient to his Torah and fulfil his will.  


Strategy 4- The Discipline of Torah Observance:


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After all the monumental work that NechemYAH achieved he returned to the King in Shushan (Susa) but on his return to Yerushalayim he found much Sin. With the passion and authority of a Zealot he dealt fervently with the breach of Torah in the following ways:


  1. Eliashiv the Priest had transgressed by allowing Tobiah the Ammonite & Sanballat to live in a Chamber of the Temple meant to house the Tithe & other Temple items so NechemYAH cast out all their belongings & drove them out of the City. Remember that Sanballat’s son in law was rejected as a Priest for not casting off his gentile wife but later Sanballat with the help of Alexander the Great established a Temple for his son in law on Mount Gerizim in opposition to the Temple in Yerushalayim.


  1. While NechemYAH was away the people had desecrated the Shabbat as we read:


NechemYAH 13:15- 16 In those days I saw in Yahuḏah (Judah) those treading wine presses on the Shabbat (Sabbath) and bringing in sheaves and loading donkeys with wine, grapes and figs and all kinds of burdens, which they brought into Yerushalayim on the Sabbath day. So I warned them on the day they sold food. 16 And men of Tsor dwelt there, bringing in fish and all kinds of goods and sold them on the Sabbath to the children of Yahuḏah and in Yerushalayim.    


NechemYAH consequently locked the gates on Shabbat and called the Levites to guard the smaller doors & threated the Merchants with severe punishment.


  1. The People were also violating their oath that they would not marry gentile wives:  


NechemYAH 13: 23 In those days I also saw Yahuḏim (Jews) who had married women of Ashdoḏ, Ammon, & Mo’aḇ. 24 And half of their children spoke the language of Ashdoḏ and could not speak the language of Yahuḏah (Judah).


In fervent anger NechemYAH (Nehemiah) beat these men & even pulled their hair out and made them swear to Elohim their renewed Oath.


Especially today we find believers not respecting the RUACH’s authority and discipline seeing him only as the comforter but we read a powerful story in Acts 5 where Ananias & Sapphira lie to the RUACH Ha Qodesh and are struck dead for their sin. That story should make us tremble to know that YAHWEH is an Elohim of love but he will also judge sin as this story teaches though he has great patience. I pray that we his people begin to fulfil our Oath to love him by our obedience to his Torah which is his loving instructions on Righteous living. 


Ibrim (Hebrews) 12:5-6 you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons:

“My son, do not despise the chastening of YAHWEH, Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; 6 For whom YAHWEH loves He chastens, And scourges every son whom He receives.”






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This entire series we have studied saw Yerushalayim go from rubble to a City rebuilt & restored both from the outside to its inhabitants with the purpose that once again it would radiate the esteem of YAHWEH the Elohim of Yisra’el to the entire World.  Understanding that by this success Yahshua was able to be born into a society dedicated to the Most High, which places NechemYAH in the category of a hero of the faith along with the Maccabees, people remembered for re-establishing the faith in YAHWEH and his beloved Torah.

More than this however this tale reveals a Divine Parable of King Yahshua who delivered us from the Captivity of sin but in his great love has sent his Comforter & teacher the RUACH Ha Qodesh (The Holy Spirit) who is able to guide & also discipline us that we may mature to a complete person who will radiate the presence of YAHWEH and be that light to the World that Yerushalayim in the natural was also meant to be. 

Within this great tale lye the divine seeds that will enable us his beloved to be rebuilt in the areas of our mind, our speech & our heart by desiring to please him with our whole being by complete trust knowing that everything written from Bereshith (Genesis) to Chazon (Revelation) comes from our Father’s heart and is for our good so should be obeyed and listened to.  Amein.


Rebuilding - Knowledge of the Adversary - Part 3


Rebuilding - Knowledge of the Adversary - Part 3

Video Teaching

Study notes and Slides

Part 3- Rebuilding Knowledge of the Adversary

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We have been studying over the past two teachings a Divine Parable of grand significance. To repeat the things that we have learned is only prudent. We discovered that the Land of Yisrael was a promise of prosperity but when that became a pitfall to the study of Torah & Mitzvot (Commandments) the population of Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) were taken into captivity until their hunger for YAHWEH drove them to Torah observance. 

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Finally by a decree of the King they returned to their land, only to inhabit a ruined City. NechemYAH (Nehemiah) was then sent to rebuild Yerushalayim & rebuild the lives of its inhabitants. What was so enthralling about this tale is that it has far reaching implications. The King could represent Yahshua seated at the right hand of authority with NechemYAH whose name means YAH comforts representing the RUACH Ha Qodesh (The Holy Spirit). Finally we discovered that Yerushalayim was the place that YAHWEH would place his Divine presence forever and represented in the spiritual every believer while the Temple represents the heart of a believer that had been restored from which worship of YAHWEH was brought forth. Since the city lay in ruins we perceived that this represented the Personality of the believer that needed repair which required the aid of the RUACH Ha Qodesh. 

It was also determined that just as Yerushalayim was meant to radiate the divine presence and was called to be the light of the World so too the believer was called to be the light of the World as Yahshua declared. 

With Yerushalayim lying in Ruin & its inhabitants in despair NechemYAH was greatly grieved since this is the one city of all the Earth that YAHWEH has chosen to place his name or “Shekinah” his presence. Yerushalayim therefore should be very dear to us as well, as it is the promise of his presence in the natural for all time: 


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Also every Shabbat we read:

Ki MiTzion- For from Zion will go forth the Torah and the Word of Adonai from Yerushalayim (Jerusalem).

Since Yerushalayim is an allegory or metaphor for the believer so everything that happened there & is happening reflects the life of the believer.  Even today as we see the threats focussed towards Yerushalayim and its inhabitants we can see its correlation with the attacks on believers around the World who are being constantly terrorised. 

To refresh our understanding we discovered that the broken down walls of the City related to the need to rebuild the believer’s thinking since Sha’ul (Paul) making a plea to the Brethren says:

Romans 12: 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you prove what is that good and well pleasing and perfect desire of Elohim.

We also discovered just as the gates were for defence of the city that in times of peace they served to admit, reject or expel things and in each believer, gates serve as places of authority where believers make decisions reflected in the words and actions they make.

To fully bring to the climax the defence of the city from external attack however there was also a need to understand the enemy and his Strategies to protect the city from being overrun. This objective we will fulfil today to help us in our defence of our life based on the lessons we can learn from this great tale of victory that saw Yerushalayim restored to a sense of honour to bring glory to YAHWEH the source of life to the City & its inhabitants as he is to us as well. 

Know your Enemy:

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This tale of rebuilding and the knowledge of the devices of the adversaries of the Yahudim (Jews) goes back to the time when Ezra the Scribe who under the edict of Koresh (Cyrus) ascended to Eretz Yisrael (the land of Israel) & especially Yerushalayim.  The Yahudim had returned with no military aid because the King had been told that the returning exiles enjoyed Divine protection as they were fulfilling a major Mitzvah or commandment by going up to the Holy Land. Upon their arrival & their desire to rebuild the Temple we get the truth revealed about the Adversary:

The Identity of the Adversary:

Just as the name NechemYAH (Nehemiah) in this story is identified as meaning the Comfort of YAH and in our life refers the comforter the RUACH Ha Qodesh (The Holy Spirit) the very name of the head conspirator is interesting. 

According to the blue letter Bible his name has a meaning of strength but when broken up the name has a twofold meaning embedded within:


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Sanballat- has at its root the meaning of “Satan” meaning Adversary and imbedded in it is the root for Baal without the Aiyin suggesting Master. 

Therefore we have a meaning that suggests the Master of Adversity or the Master Adversary. 

Rashi and Metzudos identify Sanballat and Tobiah as the enemies who had previously succeeded in disrupting the reconstruction of the Temple in Ezra 4. These were idolatrous gentiles who had been transplanted by the Assyrian King Sennacherib thus they became known as Samaritans. In Talmudic terminology they are referred to as Cushites a constant enemy of the Yahudim (Jews).  

From the underlying meaning of the name of Sanballat we see that the true fundamental source of all trouble is Ha Satan who uses every opportunity to afflict the people of Elohim through many and varied strategies. Just as the enemy of the rebuilding would use every tactic at their disposal we need to see how these tactics could be viewed today to hinder our lives from being rebuilt.

Tehillim (Psalms) 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But YAHWEH delivers him out of them all.

When considering how YAHWEH desires our lives to prosper and be restored we need to have the principle impressed in our thoughts that no matter what happens he is for us and will deliver us.

The Tactics of the Adversary

  1. “If you can’t beat them Join them”: 

Just as happened in the Garden of Eden in which Ha Satan made his play by befriending Chavah (Eve) in order to corrupt man causing him to sin against Elohim & in the book of Ezra we see his subtlety appearing:

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As a result of these words and the evil intent of the Gentiles in the land the Adversaries were able to delay the rebuilding of the Temple for 18 years. In the time of NechemYAH we find a very similar play for joint participation being the way the adversary works to corrupt lives. 

We see this played out over the Centuries after Yahshua with corruption drawing believers away from the original truth as the numerous Gentile influxes began to alter the truth of Torah into a message far removed from its source. Under Rome we saw Emperor Constantine partnering with the Ecclesia (The Assembly) that became known as the Church giving it authority, land and Religious dominance in the empire at the cost of compromise to join Paganism to Christianity with Constantine as the head a real “Coup d’etat” unifying the Roman Empire both politically & religiously under him. 


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 Constantine’s Creed literally renounces absolutely everything Hebraic as well as speaking a curse over oneself.

This Slide shows how drastically Constantine compromised the Christian faith to unify the Empire under him so as to totally remove it from its Hebraic roots something most Christians have no knowledge of today or simply wish to ignore:

NechemYAH however was quick to discern the intent of these Gentiles and declared in:


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Flavius Josephus a Jewish 1st Century Historian asserts that Sanballat was a gentile whose daughter had married a Yahudi Kohen (Jewish Priest) but after the expulsion of foreign wives under Ezra, Sanballat’s son in-law refused to expel his wife and was disqualified from the Priesthood however Sanballat later enlisted the help of Alexander the Great in setting up a rival Temple for his son in-law on Mount Gerizim. 

These inhabitants were pagans transplanted to the land of Israel who converted to Judaism though a distorted form but continued to worship Idols and were called Samaritans being “goyim” gentiles mixed with the Yahudim that remained in the land after the exile. 

From this information we see the danger of partnership with outsiders who desire to join together but have alternative motives or beliefs. Also from this we can also understand why the Yahudim (Jews) in the time of Yahshua detested Samaritans so much, since their history shows how they opposed the Yahudim (Jews) possessing the land and especially the rebuilding of Yerushalayim something that has not changed.   

Even during the early Assemblies in the “Nazarene era” men who were not of the truth entered: 


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 If this is the case that at the time of the Talmidim (Disciples) men joined who were corrupting the faith we too need to be aware and not allow compromise or division to take root. We see that NechemYAH was quick to inspire the people to stand together as we read:


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  1. The Tactic of Ridicule & Insult: 

What we discover in this story is that deprived of joining with the Yahudi (Jewish) inhabitants of Yerushalayim their tactic changed & their evil heart revealed. NechemYAH (Nehemiah) not only discerned their intents but knew how these same people had hindered the construction of the Temple. The truth of their desire is now revealed through the following: 


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This is the same trick the enemy will use when you are passionate about your life changing. It is even more painful when people close to you ridicule & laugh at you. Especially when you desire to take this path that we are on today many will laugh or call it legalistic but we need to realize when we are working to allow the RUACH to improve our personality and increase our understanding that the enemy wants to undermine us and he does it through people that you may love & respect but you must not accept it and resist his words believing that YAHWEH is bringing you from glory to Glory by the power of his RUACH (Spirit) in you. 

We are no different than the Yahudim in that we live in a place where our desire is to fulfil the instructions of YAHWEH clearly laid out in the Torah but we so often feel like strangers in a foreign land where those around us have such a different understanding and who so often ridicule us for our strong stance on Torah observance sighting scripture that is so often mistranslated or grossly misunderstood.

NechemYAH however did not take their words lying down rather he turned to the greatest weapon against the enemy and that was prayer. 


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 The ridicule was overcome by prayer and a mind to work. Sometimes we work hard but fail to pray or we pray hard but fail to work so the key is to pray hard, keep believing and then act in that resolve. 

Often when we pray for someone for healing or for whatever they need, we will tell them to start acting like they have already received it. 

Yahshua says in:

Mark 11:24 Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.


  1. The Tactic of Conspiring  

We find with each attempt to break the resolve of the Yahudim in rebuilding Yerushalayim the Adversary escalated his attacks. It is interesting to note that Sanballat knew that a frontal attack would not guarantee a victory so it was a surprise attack that they were planning. NechemYAH knowing the danger, again turned to prayer with an amazing result. 

Rashi or Rabbi Shlomo Yitzhaki (1040- 1115AD) notes that the forces arrayed against Yerushalayim included Yahudim (Jews) that lived in the surrounding towns. Many Yahudim (Jews) were apparently part of the enemy army yet they risked their lives to warn their brethren. Perhaps since the City lay in Ruins and was unprotected many had moved to the small towns 7 villages but fearing for their lives and that of their families they had joined the Army of the Gentiles the “Goyim”. When the critical moment came they summoned the courage to warn those in Yerushalayim. 

The sudden change of heart surely was attributed to the prayers lifted up to YAHWEH in the time of greatest need.


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When times are tough and everything seems to be coming to a disastrous end it is first, time to pray but the good news is that YAHWEH has put the Body of Machiach together not to argue & to dispute over dubious things but rather as a fortification, so we may win over the trials. The walls of your personality will be built and the gates will be hung because with the working of the RUACH and the fellowship of believers your personality will be conformed to that of Yahshua. 


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What we notice from our discussions so far is that all the emphasis has been on the defence from the external influences. The reason for this is that just like progressive Covenants that bring us into more intimacy with YAHWEH the rebuilding of our lives works the same. 

When you wanted a relationship with someone the first thing you did was buy new clothes and clean yourself up to create a good appearance while the next thing you did was to adjust the words that come from your mouth and make decisions that were pleasing to the one you wished to impress. It was only as things went deeper that you then began to reveal your heart. 

Is it therefore any wonder that NechemYAH who came to restore not only the City but also the inhabitants of Yerushalayim that he begins with the Appearance and protection of the City in an attempt to raise the esteem of the inhabitants causing them to begin to dwell in unity as the City would now offer them a place of safety and security.  

This is how we should feel as we come into fellowship with each other in our congregation. We should feel safe against attacks if we have discovered that the beauty of Torah is not only that it teaches us Mitzvot (Commandments) but rather that through it lives are being changed through growth in personality and through a sense of being in “Echad” or unity for when this develops the rest will surely follow. 

The Worship of YAHWEH & study of his Torah is only effective if we allow his RUACH/ Spirit to mould us to a person pleasing to YAHWEH but we know that the truth is that only when the Machiach comes to reign will we see the true restoration of the land of Yisrael and of his people, all who long for his appearance. 


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 From this point now we can begin to look inward into the area of developing Torah so the Final discussion is how NechemYAH transformed Yerushalayim into a place that radiated the presence of YAHWEH Elohim of all Creation until the time of the 1st appearance of Machiach (the Messiah):


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Who Is the Messiah? - The Miracles Begin - Part 4


Who Is the Messiah? - The Miracles Begin - Part 4

Who Is the Messiah? – The Miracles Begin - Part 4

Video Teaching

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Study Notes and Slides

(Slide) Yahshua HaNotzri came in the wake of the bulldozer of sinners with penitent hearts, Yochannan HaMatbil (John the Immerser). Yochannan levelled the ground for a smooth landing and a handing over of the baton of Yahweh’s will to the next accelerant – King Messiah Yahshua. 

Yochannan was the rightful High Priest of the A’aronic priesthood, exiled to the wilderness and crying out for man to grasp the reality of truth. This is why Yahshua went to him. According to Jewish law, he should have gone up to Jerusalem and presented himself to the High Priest and before the Sanhedrin. But the High Priest in Jerusalem in Yahshua’s day was illegally appointed by the Judea’s current occupiers – Rome. Added to this, many of the Sadducees and Pharisees were impostors. They were either wrongfully appointed or on King Herod’s take. 

Yahshua’s mikvah was an anointing, but it was also an act of consecration by him to his new ministry as High Priest. It was by no coincidence that Yochannan soon fell to Herod’s sword, for while there is an A’aronic Priest, the High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek cannot resume his office.  Remember, the A’aronic Priesthood is an interim Priesthood. 

(Slide) Later, when Caiaphas rent his garment (Matthew 26:65), even though his appointment was suspect, this act openly displayed his inadequacy, disqualifying the whole framework of the current priestly service. “And he that is the Kohen HaGadol (High Priest) among his brethren, upon whose head the anointing oil was poured, and that is consecrated to put on the garments, shall not uncover his head, nor rend his clothes. (Leviticus 21:10)” This is why the Temple had to be destroyed. If the Temple stands, it has to be adequately manned. Tearing the High Priest robes was akin to profaning Elohim’s character. It’s ironic that Caiaphas made himself guilty of the very law he was appearing to defend. In fact, the penalty for tearing priestly garments was death.

From this point, Yahshua became our High Priest, having being publically consecrated to assume office. When the Ruach fell, much later, this symbolised the Father’s acceptance of his office through the shedding of his blood. 

(Slide) Now when Yahshua underwent Mikvah, the Ruach HaKodesh came upon him. Now though t’shuvah (repentance) was central to Yochannan’s ministry and immersion, t’shuvah is not the only reason one immerses. One who sins infrequently still requires regular immersion for matters of bodily uncleanness. The human body by definition is subject to impurities that have nothing to do with sin. Messiah was without sin, but he himself was not above his own Father’s instruction, which required one to be born of water and of spirit. “I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new Ruach HaChadash (renewed spirit) in you; (Ezekiel 36:25-26a)” 

(Slide) This means that this two-fold process is a requirement for eligibility into the Kingdom of Elohim, that of a water and spiritual birth. Water and air are among the most abundant things on earth. Yahweh is not stingy with such a critical requirement. Nor is one denied salvation if they don’t receive Mikvah. Rather it’s a natural course of action in the process of one’s walk after receiving salvation.  

Water into Wine

(Slide) The concept of water and spirit is linked to Yahshua’s very first miracle. Note what Messiah Yahshua said to Rav Nichdimon (Nicodemus) during their secret meeting: “Yahshua answered, ‘Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of Elohim unless they are born of water and the Spirit. (John 3:5)’” What was Yahshua’s first miracle? It was turning water into wine! These waters at the wedding feast weren’t just any waters. They were waters of ritual purification. The water Yahshua transformed to wine, was the same waters the Jews used to purify themselves.  

(Slide) “On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Yahshua’s mother was there, and Yahshua and his talmidim had also been invited to the wedding. When the wine was gone, Yahshua’s mother said to him, ‘They have no more wine.’ ‘Woman, why do you involve me?’ Yahshua replied. ‘My hour has not yet come.’ His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you. (John 2:1-5)”

“On the third day…” The third day of the week, Tuesday is the preferred day for weddings in Israel because on the third day of the creation week, Elohim pronounced things “good” twice (Genesis 1:10,12); the only time He did so in the seven days of Creation. Therefore the third day is known as a day of double blessing, the best day of the week to begin a new life.

“…a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee.” The mention of this wedding symbolised the Wedding Feast of the Lamb, when Messiah Yahshua marries his bride (Israel), reminding us that the beginning of a matter is wedge in the end and the end of a matter is wedged in the beginning. The town Cana (Chanah) represents creation. The root-verb קנה (qana) means to acquire or create. The name Channah means “gift from Elohim” and Chanukah means “to dedication.” 

“Woman, why do you involve me?’ Yahshua replied. ‘My hour has not yet come.’”  The request from Yahshua’s mother represents an acknowledgment of a waning joy and hope and the crying out for Moshiach to be hastened. So from this we know that Messiah can come before a predesignated time if we continue to tarry with him. 

(Slide) Furthermore, the phrase, “why do you involve me” is actually a Hebrew Idiom used five times throughout the TaNaK, which actually should read, “What to me and to you?” which means, "What has it to do with you and me?" In other words, ‘You have perceived that something is wrong, so you want me to intervene now?’ This eludes to the remedy (Messiah) that has been prepared before the sickness (sin). The use of the title “’woman’ over ‘mother’ denotes the seed of a woman who will overcome the serpent. What will it be overcome by? The blood, represented by the wine, which the guests comment is better than this first wine (the first blood, that of animals), which is not as good as the latter blood – the shedding of Messiah’s blood.  Miriam asks for new wine. Why? “How wonderful and beautiful they will be! The young men will thrive on abundant grain, and the young women will flourish on new wine. (Zechariah 9:17)”


(Slide) “But there were there six water casks of stone, set for the purifying of the Judeans, which held two or three nine-gallon-measures each (twenty or thirty gallons). (John 2:6)” Also note the six stone casks. These correspond to the six tasks that Moshiach has to accomplish. 

These are called the six Messianic Expectations:

  1. The correct genealogy.
  2. Be anointed King of Israel.
  3. Return Israel back to the promised land
  4. Restore the Temple in Jerusalem.
  5. Bring peace to the world and end all war.
  6. Bring knowledge of Elohim to the world.

These six tasks are derived from the six things that Adam lost after the fall!

Yahshua is six things: He is the Word (dvar or memra) (John 1:1), the Light (John 1:4), the Son Elohim (John 1:14), Lamb of Elohim (John 1:29), Messiah (John 1:41), and being the Sovereign (John 1:49).

Each water cask contained 30 gallons of water. There were 6 casks totalling 180 gallons of water corresponding to the 180 years of Yitzhak’s (Isaac’s) life. The Binding Yitzhak, known as the Akedah in Genesis 22 was a type of Moshiach.   

(Slide) Here we get to the true spiritual significance of these large water casks for purification. Messiah is making a statement about purification. Water purifies, but so too does the spirit, represented by transforming the water into alcohol, a product that is symbolic of the Spirit. In this case it is wine. Fermented grapes also represents Messiah’s blood. 

Messiah symbolically drew blood from within stones. Remember the idiom, “It’s like drawing blood from a stone,” which denotes trying to do the impossible. Well, Messiah’s first miracle was on this extreme level. 

(Slide) Just as in an actual birth of a child there is water and blood, so the new birth, must also be by water and blood. 

“This is the one who came by water and blood—Yahshua HaMoshiach. He did not come by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Ruach who testifies, because the Ruach is emet (the truth). (1 John 5:6)”

The guests consume the wine, symbolically partaking of Messiah’s blood, which would be shed for the remission of sin.   "Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the Rock in Horeb; and thou shalt smite the Rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink... (Exodus 17:6)" Yahshua is our rock of salvation according to Psalm 62:2 and he was smitten and out poured his blood. So it is confirmed that the beginning of a matter is wedge in its end and the end of a matter is wedged in its beginning, because when Yahshua was pierced out came water and blood.  “…one of the soldiers pierced Yahshua’s side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water. (John 19:34)” 

(Slide) This incident also connects Messiah to the water libation ceremony that is carried out at the conclusion of Sukkot, where water and wine is poured out togther. 

“And on the great day, which is the last of the feast, Yahshua stood and cried out and said, ‘If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scriptures have said, rivers of water of life will flow from his belly. (John 7:37-38)’” The occasion of this event is the last great day of Sukkot (John 7:2) and the setting is the water libation ceremony at the Temple. A priest had a flask of gold filled with water and another has a flask of gold filled with wine. There were two silver bowls perforated with holes like a narrow snout. One was wide for the water the other is narrow for the wine. The priests poured the wine and water into each of their bowls. The wine and water mixed together. The wine flowing slowly through the narrow snout and the water flowing quickly through the wider snout.


(Slide) Who is the Messiah? He is Yahshua, the Rock. The rock that contains the water of rebirth and spirit of redemption that comes in fire. “Yahweh is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my Elohim is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. (Psalms 18:2)” 

(Slide) Now, it’s not a popular message, but here goes. You can either take Yahshua up as your shield (Psalm 18:35) by taking up two inverted daletot, two corner stones, rejected by the builders of the Torah, or you can walk away. But in time Yahshua, the rock which was supposed to be your help, will become your end. That’s why capital punishment usually comes in the form of stoning. It represents Yahshua, who should be a person’s magen, his shield of salvation, but instead to a disobedient person who refuses to repent, he becomes a stone that causes injury and even death.


(Slide) “Then (David) took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd's bag and, with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine. Meanwhile, the Philistine, with his shield bearer in front of him, kept coming closer to David. He looked David over and saw that he was little more than a boy, glowing with health and handsome, and he despised him. He said to David, "Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks?" And the Philistine cursed David by his elohim. And the Philistine said to David, Come to me, and I will give your flesh unto the birds of the heavens, and to the beasts of the field. David said to the Philistine, ‘You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of Yahweh Almighty, the Elohim of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day Yahweh will deliver you into my hands, and I'll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is an Elohim in Israel. All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that Yahweh saves; for the battle is Yahweh’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.’ As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him. Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, he slung it and struck the Philistine on the forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell face down on the ground. (1 Samuel 17:40-49)”

David gathered up five smooth stones. Why? Each stone represented five of the Messianic Expectations, with he, himself, be the fulfilment of the sixth (the genealogy). 

  1. The correct genealogy.
  2. Be anointed King of Israel.
  3. Return Israel back to the Promised Land
  4. Restore the Temple in Jerusalem.
  5. Bring peace to the world and end all war.
  6. Bring knowledge of Elohim to the world.

All five stones and David himself represented Messiah. Notice, he kept them in a shepherd’s pouch. For years we’ve looked at the law of stoning as if it was a rabbinic observance, seeing it mishandled with the incident with the adulterous woman and the stoning of Stephen.  But, if it is executed correctly, the cast stone represents Messiah who vanquishes our enemies. 

(Slide) The Hebrew word for “stone” is even, spelled alef, beit, nun.  This is an acronym for av ben, which means, “father son.” Every stone is the union of father and son. 

(Slide) David slew Goliath with a sling and stone. A sling is made out of natural materials that are readily available in the wilderness and the stone is as plentiful as the dust under one’s feet. 

We’ll take a moment to watch this short video to see the lethality of the simple stone and sling. Watch carefully at the speed and accuracy of the stone as it is launched from the sling. 

(Slide) Where did David hit Goliath? The forehead, the Gulgoleth (Golgotha), the skull! With what? A stone! This alludes to Messiah’s victory at the place of the first skull – Adam’s skull. 

Every attack of the enemy is directed at the mind. It is the enemy’s goal to cause us to make a decision against what we know is right, and to make repeated wrong decisions, become comfortable with these wrong decisions and have us repeat them so often that it feels impossible to take another course of action. 

We see that Yahweh, with great effect, uses the stone to damage and to preserve.  

We must remember that a stone can be used to help or hurt us, wine can be used to relax or inebriate us and water can drown or renew us. It’s all in how we use them. 

These are just some of the gleanings found in Yahshua’s miracle of changing water into wine.

Defining Miracles

Before we go any further, let’s look at the concept of miracles. What are miracles? 

(Slide) “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant…There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.  There are differences of ministries, but the same Sovereign. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same Elohim who works all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given…the working of miracles…But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills. (1 Corinthians 12:1,4-8, 10, 11)”

Miracles are a gift! Working miracles within the body are often like the big gun that everyone in a survival video game wants to carry and use. No one usually fights over who is doing first aid or carrying the radio. Many want to do miracles, healings, deliver prophecy or teach!

The Gift of the Working of Miracles is a manifestation of the Spirit of Yahweh that comes in the form of a supernatural act. In other words, every occurrence which contrasts with the ordinary happenings of life is counted a miracle or wonder. Miracles are not meant to just comfort or convenience humankind. Miracles show Israel how deeply Yahweh cares.“…that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power,  which He worked in Messiah when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places…(Ephesians 1:18-20)”

(Slide) The greatest miracle of all is that Yahweh is working His mighty power in King Messiah YahShua through us as an expression of manifesting His will in Heaven to earth.

The word miracles comes from the Greek word dunamis which means "power and might that multiplies itself." The Gift of the Working of Miracles operates closely with the power gifts of faith and healings to bring authority over the Sitre Ahura (Dark Forces), sickness, sin, and the binding forces of this age.

Miracles come in the wake of ministry not in the front of it. Miracles confirm ministry. “…these signs will follow those who believe: ‘In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.’ So then, after the King had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of Yahweh. And they went out and preached everywhere, the King working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amien. (Mark 16:17-20)”

(Slide) The Torah lays down the principle that miracles are no test of the truth of the thing for which their testimony is invoked. “If a prophet arise among you who giveth a sign or wonder, and the sign or wonder comes to pass, but he desires to lead you into idolatry, you shall not hearken to that prophet, for Yahweh your Elohim is trying you to see whether you truly love Yahweh your Elohim (Deuteronomy 13:1-3)” Miracles alone do not prove a religious truth, as they are performed also in the cause of untruth. But truth accompanied by miracles prove truth. We are expected to not put or faith in a truth based on a miracle alone, but put our faith in a truth because it is truth alone and let a miracle confirm it.  

(Slide) The Hebrew word for miracle is nes. It is the same Hebrew word for flag pole. A miracle is an elevated event. Something extraordinary that happens, allowing us to see Elohim’s hand clearly.

(Slide) Turning the water into wine is not the miracle. Anyone of us can turn water into wine, it takes a little time. You have a grape vine, you pour water at the base, you tend it, grow grapes, pick them off, crush them and you make wine. Water turns into wine. But it doesn't happen instantly. The miracle in the water and the wine is the time. King Messiah YahShua transcended the time. Here we have this wedding in Canaan of Galilee and you have six full water pots for the water of purification. That's the first miracle in the story, He was proclaiming himself the Messiah. I have the authority to take charge over the water that makes clean, that is the most holy . I, and I alone, can command you to fill those jars. That's the miracle.
