Shavu'ot Aftermath - Empowered for the Call


Shavu'ot Aftermath - Empowered for the Call

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Study Notes and Slides

Empowered for the Call

Introduction: We have recently spent many teachings demonstrating the progressive transformation of the Disciples that finally led up to Shavuot (Pentecost). This day was the most powerful day in the lives of Yisrael as it was when the Torah was given in the time of Mosheh and we recently celebrated that it was also the most powerful day among the Talmidim (Disciples) as it represented a new thing that YHWH was doing among his people:


YeshiYahu (Isaiah) 43:19 Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

We see the principle of living water being alluded to when Yahshua speaks to the Woman at the well when he says to her:


Yochanan 4:10 “If you knew the gift of Elohim, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.”

We also see that what he referred to was clearly expressed in the following:


Yochanan 7:38 He that believes in me as the Scrolls of YHWH have said, out of his inmost parts shall flow rivers of living water. 39 but this he spoke concerning the RUACH whom those believing him would receive for the RUACH Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) was not yet given because Yahshua was not yet glorified.

Truly with the coming of the RUACH at Shavuot (Pentecost) a new dimension of the power from on high was being released. Since Shavuot was the climax or panicle of what YHWH had spoken through his Prophets I feel that it is imperative to turn our attention to the Aftermath of Shavuot and what we can learn from the Sh’liychiym (the Apostles) from that moment on or we will fail to catch the fire that resulted from these ordinary men who came from simple backgrounds generally but that changed the World they lived in and which ultimately spread the “Good News” to the four corners of the Globe.   

From Shavuot to Eternity:

Since we recalled the amazing outpouring of the RUACH HA Kodesh (the Holy spirit) on Shavuot it is important to see how the Sent Ones, the Apostles were significantly transformed because this is important so that we may also partake of that wonderful transformation:

Firstly we read what Yahshua said to his Talmidim (Disciples) before he ascended in:


Acts 1:8 But you shall receive power when the Set-apart Spirit has come upon you and you shall be My witnesses in Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) and in all Yahuḏah (Judea) and Shomeron (Samaria) and to the end of the earth.”

Many conservative Theologians however interpret this promise of power as limited to the 12 Sh’liychiym (Apostles) so a quote from the Macarthur study Bible will be helpful:


Commenting on Mark 16:17 “And these signs shall follow those who believe” 

Quote: These signs were promised to the Apostolic community and not all believers in all ages.

By rationalizing like this, are we not limiting our faith and the work of the RUACH Ha Kodesh not to mention the many words of Yahshua so we see Kepha addressing the people witnessing the outpouring of the Spirit with these words:


Acts 2:38-39 And Kĕpha said to them, “Repent and let each one of you be immersed in the Name of Yahshua Messiah for the forgiveness of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Set-apart Spirit. 39“For the promise is to you and to your children and to all who are far off, as many as YHWH our Elohim shall call.”

It is imperative that we begin to believe what the Disciples were experiencing in those days was not limited to those days but that we too can experience the presence of the RUACH Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) in the same measure when we live in a state of Teshuvah or repentance, faith & Torah obedience like they did. Therefore we can know forgiveness and expect the gift of the Set-apart Spirit with accompanying signs as we read in Mark 16.  If we can believe that, it will ignite the fire & passion to see the assembly of believers also become the light & demonstration of power that Yahshua wants us to be in a dark world.

If we believe that Yahweh changes not then we can expect him to do the same today or we would believe that much of the writings were alone for the 12 though they were generally written later for succeeding generations:

The Steadfastness of the Sh’liychiym (Apostles):

To fully grasp the lasting power of Shavuot (Pentecost) we need to observe how the Assembly of the Talmidim (Disciples) continued to live as seen in the Scriptures:

  1. They Dwelt in True Fellowship: 

One of the great keys to experiencing the increase of the Spirit in the life of all the believers is found in their gathering together as we read:


Acts 2:42 And they were continuing steadfastly in the teaching of the emissaries and in the fellowship and in the breaking of bread and in prayers.

When all those of the faith understood the joy of the salvation they had received & that in Yahshua many things that were prophesied had come to pass they had a deep desire for fellowship & the constant immersion in the word of Yahweh through the teachings of the Emissaries who taught by the revelation and power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit). We also receive a wonderful picture of oneness as we read how all the believers remained together eating and in constant petitions to the one who alone is Elohim. 

The challenge for us today is how desperate are we for fellowship and seeking the depths of the riches that can be found in the study of Scripture and the coming together for prayer. This surely was one of the central reasons that the believers remained steadfast and made such an impact on Yerushalayim at that time.


  1. They had all things in Common:

Amazingly when the believers had intimate fellowship we find that their hearts were joined together in care for one another since we read the following:


Acts 2:44- 45 And all those who believed were together and had all in common, 45 and sold their possessions and property and divided them among all, as anyone might have need.

One of the great signs of the fellowship of the set-apart Spirit is always the unity of minds and hearts so we see that now, as people had needs those with more would share since the Kingdom of Elohim is a Kingdom of love and fellowship since we read the words that Yahshua gave to his Disciples at a most crucial time before his suffering:


Yochanan (John) 13:34- 35 A renewed commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.  35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

In a world where “I” is central the image of a people that love and care for each other may seem foreign but it is to the world a sign that we are the Talmidim (Disciples) of our Master Yahshua who truly demonstrated what love really means by giving his perfect life for the World.

  1. They Gathered Daily:

Rather than thinking that all the Disciples were gathering in some private apartment we receive the revelation that they were in constant daily assembling in the Beyth Ha Mikdash courts therefore the Temple Courts. This was where they would come daily as the number of disciples grew and where they would continue in the teaching and the understanding of the renewed covenant the Brit Chadashah prophesied through all the Tanakh (the Old Testament) and finally finding fulfilment in the sacrificial blood of the Master Yahshua the promised seed of David, the Messiah, the son of Elohim through whom all have redemption and access to the “Chesed” the Mercy and favour of Yahweh as revealed from the beginning.  

We find this gathering of all the believers revealed clearly in the following:


Acts 2:46 And they (the Disciples or taught ones) continued daily to meet together with one accord in the Beyth Ha Mikdash (the Set Apart House of Yahweh- The Temple)and of breaking of Lekhem (bread) from House to House and did eat their food with gladness and singleness of Heart.

From these verses we see a fellowship of people in total unity and dwelling in that place where the RUACH Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) could truly find residence. 

I pray it is truly our desire to be in this sort of environment because if we are then we too will experience that same sense of gladness and singleness of Heart that will draw us together in that place of unity where the RUACH (the Spirit) of Yahweh will move with perfect Shalom (peace).

  1. The Empowerment that comes from Oneness:

From this powerful sense of oneness where the Ruach (the Spirit) is able to move we find a true sense of purpose but even more than that we find the Disciples coming to a place of confidence & faith where the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) is able to move with power. This is most aptly seen when Kepha (Peter) & Yochanan (John) are coming to the Beyth Ha Mikdash (the Holy Temple) in the following:


Acts 3:1-2 Now Kepha (Peter) & Yochanan (John) went up together into the Beyth Ha Mikdash (the Temple) at the hour of petition, the ninth hour. 2 and a certain man lame from his mother’s womb was carried whom they laid daily at the gate of the Temple which is called beautiful (the Yapho Gate or today the Jaffa Gate) to ask alms of them that entered into the Beyth Ha Mikdash (the Temple);

This incident is rather amazing since more than likely this man was placed at this very place most of his life. This means Yahshua would have passed by him many times and he had not been healed but surely his healing at this time was the perfect timing of Yahweh who had him right there at the Temple gate awaiting this exact time that would esteem the Master Yahshua and be a miracle not only for this man but that would be so great that it would even trigger a greater revival than that of Shavuot bringing a large crowd of Yisraelites to faith in name of Yahshua the righteous one:

We now find Kepha (Peter) & Yochanan (John) filled with the Spirit of Yahweh walking in such joy and faith in the name of the Master that they completely take the words of the Master to heart when he said these Words:


Yochanan (John) 14:12 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.  

I am sure that Kepha (Peter) & Yochanan (John) were in a place of true fellowship not only with all the Assembly of the faithful but also in Echad or unity with the RUACH Ha Kodesh (The Holy Spirit) which is powerfully displayed by their confidence and sure knowledge that this was the hour that would see the Master greatly esteemed through them by this supernatural miracle of a man born lame who had sat at the Temple gates for decades:


Acts 3:4- 7 And Kepha (Peter) fastening his eyes upon him with Yochanan (John) said “look on us”. 5 and he gave heed to them expecting to receive something from them. 6 Then Kepha (Peter) said “Silver and Gold have I none but such as I have give I you; In the name of Yahshua the Messiah of Netzereth rise up & walk. 7 and he (Kepha) took him by the right hand and lifted him up and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.

This is now a most wonderful transformation in the lives of his called ones in that only a short while ago they were in unbelief but through the work of the RUACH (Spirit) their faith had grown and also their understanding but at Shavuot a new dimension of that faith had emerged with the coming of the RUACH Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) giving them boldness to speak and with that step of faith came authority & power from on high that saw the mighty works of Yahweh revealed both through the word and power, that those repenting and believing numbering about 5,000 men. What is amazing in the actions of Kepha (Peter) & Yochanan (John) is that they were so full of faith that it says that Kepha took the man by the right hand and lifted him up. This is a picture of faith in action!

Shaul (Paul) writes it this way in:

1 Corinthians 4:20 For the kingdom of Yahweh is not in word but in power.

What we see from the early assembly surely should be instructional for us but just like in this story the exhibition of a powerful miracle led to the people looking to the Sh’liychiym (the Apostles) as we read:


Acts 3:11- 12 And as the lame man which was healed held Kepha (Peter) & Yochanan (John) all the people ran together to them in the covered walkway that is called Shelomoh’s (Solomon’s) portico, greatly amazed. 12 And when Kepha saw it he answered the people. “You men of Yisrael why marvel you at this? Or why do you stare at us as though by our own power or our Torah or Shabbat piety we had made this man walk.

The Elohim of Abraham and of Yitzchak (Isaac) and of Yaacov (Jacob), the Elohim of our fathers has esteemed his son Yahshua;

16 through belief in his name has made this man strong whom you see and know; yes the belief which through Yahshua’s name has given him this complete health in the presence of all. 

The Mighty miracle that was done in this man was the means by which Yahweh was drawing his people to himself and it was a grand opportunity for the emissaries to speak the wonderful words of the Salvation found only in Yahshua as they further expounded the truth of the Mashiach (Messiah) as revealed through the Scriptures of the Torah, the Nevim (Prophets) & the Ketuvim (the Wisdom Writings). Therefore through the work of the RUACH Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) we see the assembly of believers supernaturally multiplying. 

A Message for Today:

The challenge for us today is whether we believe that the message & story that we read is for today. When we take the words of Yahshua and begin believing them as relating to us then we can begin to see the hand of Yahweh moving through his RUACH (Spirit). 

We read in the Brit Chadashah (the Nazarene Writings) in the book to the Hebrews the following:



Ibrim (Hebrews) 13:8 Yahshua the Messiah the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.   

We also read the following:

Tehillim (Psalms) 102:27 But you are the same and your years have no end.

Malaki (Malachi) 3:6 For I am Yahweh, I shall not change.

If we can believe that the power of the Spirit of Yahweh was seen in the Assembly of the aftermath of Shavuot we need to take careful note of all the instructional teachings that we see and if we then apply them, surely we will see an increase in the move of the RUACH Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) within us and our gatherings that will see the honour & love of our Master revealed drawing people into true fellowship, a hope we should always strive for. We need to be a people Zealous for all that Yahweh has called us to be. 


Empowered for defence of the Truth:

With this great display of the power of the Ruach came also the arrest of Kepha & Yochanan by the religious leaders and brought them before the Sanhedrin the next morning as we read:


Acts 4:18- 21 And they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor to teach in the Name of Yahshua. 19But Kĕpha and Yoḥanan answering them, said, “Whether it is right in the sight of Elohim to listen to you more than to Elohim, you judge. 20“For it is impossible for us not to speak of what we saw and heard.” 21And having threatened them further, they released them, finding no way of punishing them, because of the people, because they were allpraising Elohim for what had been done.

It was the Empowerment that came from the RUACH Ha Kodesh (The Holy Spirit) that enabled them to see this great Miracle but it was also necessary for them to be filled with the Spirit that they could speak the word od Elohim that his Ruach would give them. Yahshua in his wisdom had also prepared them for this in the following:

Mark 13:11 But when they lead you and hand you over take no thought beforehand what you shall speak, neither decide what to say but whatever shall be given to you in that hour that you speak: for it is not you that speaks but the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the set-apart Spirit). 

These examples should be for us a great encouragement that should stir up our desire to be filled with the RUACH Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) who can empower all of us to be his true vessel exhibiting all the aspects of Torah observance, authority & power that will stand strong when the hour of testing comes but we need to desire it passionately and be faithful to our calling.



The Significance that this Story gives:

  1. The Master promised that we would receive Power when the “Ruach Ha Kodesh” has come upon us and that was not just the Apostolic Era.
  2. The steadfastness of the Disciples was subject to:
  1. Dwelling in true Constant Fellowship.
  2. Having Hearts joined together in love & care for each other.
  3. Gathering in the Beyth Ha Mikdash or the house of Yahweh wherever that may be for the honour of Yahweh and study of his Kadosh (Holy) word.
  4. Having oneness of heart & mind resulting in the power of the Spirit moving. 

We see that again demonstrated when Kepha (Peter) & Yochanan (John) have been released from prison & we find repeated the same principles that we have seen with a theme of oneness knowing that King David had prophesied of the persecution in Tehillim (Psalms) 2 we read:



Acts 4:29 And now Master behold their threats and grant to your servants that with all boldness they may speak your word.30 by stretching forth your hand to heal and that signs & wonders maybe done by the name of your set-apart son Yahshua. 31 And when they had petitioned the place was shaken where they were assembled together & they were all filled with the RUACH Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) and they spoke the Word of Elohim with Boldness. 


  1. That all the faithful will be empowered when faced with defending the Truth.
  2. Since Yahweh is the same yesterday, today & tomorrow we can expect the same as we have experienced was the result of the aftermath of Shavuot (Pentecost) if we remain steadfast and faint not. 

Shabbat Shalom

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The Obligations of the Student - Part 3


The Obligations of the Student - Part 3

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The Obligations of the Student - Part 3

(Slide) Yahweh Elohim has a specific purpose in giving His Word. It is not a book one should read lightly, it must be read to discover the divine purpose. “All scripture is given by the breathing of Elohim, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16)”

Doctrine: A principle, or set of principles and beliefs held by a religious, political or other group. 

Reproof: An expression of condemnation for a fault or offence. 

Correction: An alteration being made to something that was incorrect.

Instruction in Righteousness: The process of teaching what is morally right.

The Scriptures were given to show us the moral behaviour acceptable to Yahweh, to point out sin, to correct error, to teach us what we should do in order to be righteous, like Yahweh who is righteous. That is why the Scriptures were given to us.

(Slide) Some Scripture are the exact words of Yahweh:

“Now the tablets were the work of Yahweh, and the writing was the writing of Yahweh engraved on the tablets.” (Exodus 32:16) “Yahweh spoke to you face to face out of the fire on the mountain.” (Deuteronomy 5:4)

Some Scripture was put in the mouth of the speaker:

“Now therefore, go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say” (Exodus 4:12)”

Some Scripture was put in the mind of the writer:

“…Yahweh said to Moshe, "Write these words, for according to the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel." (Exodus 34:27)

Some Scripture is left up to the writer or teacher to select words to relate revelation:

“…it seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first, to write to you an orderly account,… that you may know the certainty of those things in which you were instructed. (Luke 1:3,4)” But to the rest I say, not Yahweh, that if any brother has a wife who is an unbeliever, and she consents to live with him, let him not send her away. (1 Corinthians 7:12)"

(Slide) The chief way that we receive the knowledge of Elohim today is through the written word. In The Beginning was the Dvar Elohim (the Word of Yahweh) – Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1


Every Nazarene Israelite should be equipped with a good copy of the Scriptures. It is our core text and a good student should carry the most suitable translation available. 


(Slide) No matter what the language, be it English, Japanese, Latin, Greek or Spanish, something always gets lost in translation. 

(Slide) The Complete Jewish Bible by David H. Stern

This translation is easy to get a hold of and it’s easy to read. But in many places it retains the same church dogma but uses Hebrew names. The Creator’s name Yahweh is still substituted, but with the title Adonai instead of G-d or Lord.  


The Scriptures (ISR) by the Institute for Scripture Research

This translation uses all the true names, even for places and all 66 books are named in English & Hebrew. The original book order of the Hebrew Scriptures is restored and quotations & allusions from the Tanakh (O.T.) are in bold type in the Nazarene Writings and are accompanied by the text references - aiding your understanding of the original contexts, and how they influence the writers drawing upon them


Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition (RSTNE) 

The proper Hebrew names are used, including the replacement of the traditional English "LORD" with the Tetragrammaton (Yahweh). Footnotes provide interesting background information, insight, and clarification, from a Hebraic Roots perspective. A number of frequently-used English words are replaced with Hebrew transliterations, thus helping the beginning student of Hebrew to become more familiar with some basic vocabulary. 


(Slide) The Hebraic-Roots Version Scriptures (HRV) by James Trimm

Some Hebrew Roots features in thIS version are: The Name is used (YHWH) rather than the generic title. The name "Yeshua" is used instead of Jes-s. The word "Torah" is used rather than "law". This translation has many footnotes and sources used.  The introduction contains an excellent overview of the faith that is worth the cost alone. 


Zikarown Say'fer - memorial book as in Exodus 17:14, is a version of the Scriptures meant to bring out the ancient language intricacies that have been lost in modern translations. Zikarown is the transliteration of the Hebrew word for memorial or rehearsal. The Scriptures are meant to be rehearsed as instruction for the path to eternal life. Yahweh and Yahshua's names are restored to the text through the Bora Paleo Hebrew font. 


Sacred Name Bible - Updated King James Version, The Torah – This is a New King James Translation with the Sacred Names restored. The words “thee,” “thou,” and “thine,” etc., are replaced with “you” and “your,” etc. Verb endings, such as –est and –eth, as in “blesseth” and “comest,” are replaced with currently correct grammar. Otherwise the original King James Version text is not altered.


(Slide) The Word of Yahweh is a solid English translation of the bible that uses the divine name of the Creator as it was given in Scripture rather than changing it to "The Lord" which was done by superstition. The Word of Yahweh also restores the name of the Messiah to Yahshua which is the Hebrew name given to Him by His Jewish mother. Features include a concordance, charts, maps, marker ribbon, and a very nice burgundy leather cover made from 100% kosher cow hyde. 

The Holy Bible - Urim-Thummim Version - Volume I is a new translation of the Holy Bible. The King James Version and Young's Literal Translation have been employed as the "base text." For many this version will retain much of the literary style of those time honoured works but all archaic language has been replaced with modern English. More importantly however, this version endeavours to be extremely accurate to the Hebrew definitions that comprise the original text. As a result, new discoveries and a greater detail to the Biblical story has now been obtained.


The Orthodox Jewish Bible - This is a good Torah cantered complete Tanakh and Brit Chadasha / Kituvim Netzarim in one book. It does have small print.  It’s content is designed for The Jewishness of the entire Holy Bible. It shows that BOTH parts are Jewish, leaving no room for antisemitism, and that HaMoshiach Yeshua is both Ben Miriam, and Ben Elohim. It is an excellent text for Orthodox and Chassidic Jewish people to find THEIR Moshiach and Geula .


(Slide) Eth-CEPHER is the “Divine Book” – This version transliterates the names of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, albeit in pronunciations that are questionable. But this collection boasts the most complete array of Holy Books to date. It includes 87 Yah-breathed books in the chronological order of their writing, which includes the Apocrypha, the Book of Enoch and the Book of Jasher. 


Aramaic English New Testament - Popular English New Testaments come from Greek translations originally converted from Hebrew and Aramaic texts. Conversely, the AENT comes directly from Aramaic, the very language spoken by Yahshua and his disciples. Over 1,000 leading language scholars and Bible students have rigorously dedicated their unrivaled expertise to the 5th edition of the AENT. A wonderfully diverse tapestry of Jewish and Christian religious ideologists has collectively provided thousands of hours of unbiased peer review. Publishers, translators, editors, and contributors have passionately woven hundreds of years of study and research of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek into the AENT.


(Slide) BESORAH OF YAHUSHA NATSARIM VERSION - The Name of the Creator is restored in the original Hebrew alphabet where it occurs in the inspired text 6,823 times. Names of people and places are transliterated directly from their Hebrew form into the English alphabet for a more accurate rendering, eliminating the mutilation of the Masoretic vowels imposed during the 6th to 11th centuries. More recent corruptions by language interaction are also eliminated, so no names or places are transliterated using the newer letters such as W, V, or J. The rest of the Hebrew translated into English words retains them, but it is most inappropriate to spell Hebrew names and places with letters that never existed in the original language. “Jesus” is rendered “Yahusha” directly from Hebrew; “David” is “Daud,” “Jacob” is YaAqob, “Joseph” is Yusef, and so on. Phrases such as “apple of my eye” (a KJV idiom) are corrected to “treasure of my eye” since no reference to apples is in the Hebrew, but rather to an object of value one sets their eye on


(Slide) The Stone Edition Tanach contains the 24 books of the Torah, Prophets, and Writings. All text is newly translated and annotated. You can pick up a copy on the internet for around $60


This 2,200-page volume is interpreted by the classic sages of Talmudic and Rabbinic literature. It is Illuminated with notes and comments and has all Haftarahs clearly indicated. 


This edition contains allegorical interpretations of Song of Songs, Psalms & Proverbs, to allow the reader to see exactly what the text is alluding to.


(Slide) An example of an insight in the allegorical interpretation of the Stone Edition Tanach can be found in Song of Songs 7:13. This verse actually starts from verse 12 in most regular Bibles, including The Scriptures, with verse 14 entirely absent. 


Here’s how the verse reads in the Stone Edition: "Let us wake at dawn in the vineyards of prayer and study (Yeshivas). Let us see if students of Writ have budded, if students of Oral Law have blossomed, if ripened scholars have bloomed; there I will display my finest products (students) to You.” (Song of Songs 7:13)


Here’s how the verse reads in a common Christian and Messianic translation: “Let us go early to the vineyards to see if the vines have budded, if their blossoms have opened, and if the pomegranates are in bloom--there I will give you my love.” (Song of Songs 7:12)


(Slide) Unless you a reading the Stones Edition Tanach, this scene just reads as if taking a stroll in a beautiful vineyard and no amount of study in English would ever yield that’s it’s actually talking about a Yeshiva and students of Torah. 


(Slide) The Chumash (Means: “Five Fifths”): This work is an English translation of the Torah, faithful to Rashi and the classic Rabbinic commentators, and an anthologized commentary by a team of scholars, under the editorship of Rabbi Nosson Scherman. This commentary draws on the spectrum of biblical commentaries, from the Talmud, Midrash, and the classic Rabbinic commentators, and includes insights of contemporary greats. Also includes: Hebrew/Aramaic texts of Rashi and Onkelos, newly set according to the most accurate texts. Haftaros with new translation, and introductory comments introducing the haftarah and relating it to the Torah reading. 

  • The Five Megillos with translation and commentary. 
  • Comprehensive index. 
  • Lightweight, opaque, acid-free paper for decades of quality use. 
  • Special section for your own genealogy and family milestones. 
  • Ultra-reinforced binding, using the most durable materials. 
  • Elegantly gilded page heads. 
  • Ribbon place-marker. The Chumash of choice for synagogue and home! The stone edition of the chumash now comes with ultra-reinforced binding

Other sizes available at
5 volume mid-sized slipcased.
5 volume personal sized slipcased.   


(Slide) The Artscroll Youth Series of Hardback books designed for Jewish children are some of the most effective learning tools for a new Israelite convert. These books are well arranged, lavishly illustrated and written very simply. However, you’ll be surprised how they don’t seem to sugarcoat anything and you’ll be amazed at the level of insight they provide on a Talmudic level. 


Most of the books are written by Shmuel Blits and illustrated in full colour by Tova Katz. They can be picked up secondhand for anywhere between $10 to $20 on or brand new at for around $36 including postage. 


If you’re feeling out of your depth on many subjects, these books are for you. 




(Slides) The work, First Steps in Hebrew Prayer by Dr. Danny Ben-Gigi, provides the most important prayers in a clear and easy to follow transliterated format. It comes with an audio CD that assists with pronunciation and melody. You can download your choice of audio files onto an mp3 player and have a blessing ready-to-play when you come to it in your usual prayer time. You can listen to it in your car, on your home stereo or at your computer. Many of the prayers are sung and chanted in the traditional Jewish melodies.


The booklet has all the daily blessings that a student requires. It’s format is A4 size and spiral bound for easy photocopying. You can colour photocopy pages of preference and stick them up in the living room, bathroom, kitchen and bedroom. 


There are 90 pages with an index, origins, customs and highlights of prayers.  The booklet costs around $40 and is available across the web.


The following sites carry this product:






(Slide) With all the different subjects, books and resources we have looked at over this series, it can all feel a little bit overwhelming. We must be encouraged by the knowledge that each person’s progress toward righteousness is a personal journey, and the Father does not lay burdens on a student that are beyond his capacity to absorb. “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:30)”


(Click) We must be careful to retain our childlike wonderment of revelation. “I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of Elohim like a little child will never enter it.“ (Luke 18:17)





(Slide) We must trust Yahweh, the Great Creator to know what is best for us to eat, instead of eating according to our culture and traditions. He not only made our bodies, but all the animals as well and He certainly would not have made the distinction between "clean and unclean" in Leviticus 11 if it makes no difference what we eat. 1 Corinthians 10:31 sums it up beautifully, "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of Yahweh."


The two reasons why Israel kept kosher was because Israel believed: 1) There is an Elohim who created the world, sustains and supervises it. 2) Elohim entered into a personal relationship with Israel called covenant, and gave the Torah, obligating Israel to uphold and fulfill its commandments out of love for Him. The kosher laws are a part of that Covenant. “See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. (Deuteronomy 30:15)”


Nutrition, as defined by Webster's Third International Dictionary of the English Language, is “The science of food and the processes by which the organism ingests, digests, absorbs, transports, utilizes and excretes food substances.”



Barley---Ruth 2:23
Whole Grain Bread---Luke 22:19
Butter---Isaiah 7:22
Corn---Ruth 2:14; I Samuel 17:17
Cheese---I Samuel 17:18
Dates---Genesis 3:2
Eggs---Job 6:6
Figs---Numbers 13:23; I Samuel 25:18
Organic Fruits (All)---Genesis 1:29
Organic Herbs (Leafy Plants) and Vegetables---Genesis 1:29
Raw Honey---Deuteronomy 8:8
Clean Meats---(Beef, Fish, Lamb, Poultry, Venison) Deuteronomy 14; Leviticus 11
Fresh Milk---Isaiah 7:21-22
Nuts---Genesis 43:11
Olives and Olive Oil---Leviticus 2:4; Deuteronomy 8:8
Sea Salt---Leviticus 2:13
Whole Wheat (Bread, Cereal, Pasta)---Psalm 81:16


"Set a watch, O Yahweh, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. Incline not my heart to any evil thing, to practice wicked works with men that work iniquity: and let me not eat of their dainties (Psalm 141:3-4)

There are various advantages to keeping kosher: the health benefits, the humane treatment of animals, their unifying effect on a dispersed people, and their role as shield against assimilation. Nachmanides, the great 12th century sage points out that "the birds and many of the mammals forbidden by the Torah are predators, while the permitted animals are not; we are instructed not to eat those animals, so that we should not absorb these qualities into ourselves." Kashrut can thus be seen as "spiritual nutrition": just as there are foods that are good for the body and foods that are harmful, there are foods that nourish the soul and foods that adversely affect it.

None of the above, however, are "reasons" we keep kosher. Rather, the reverse is true: because it was commanded by the Creator of our bodies and our souls, the kosher way of life will obviously be beneficial to both.


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All our teachings are free and as such rely on the generosity of our community. Thanking you.


Shavu'ot Preparation


Shavu'ot Preparation

Video Teaching

Shavuot Preparation

This Video prepares us for celebrating the Feast of Shavuot [Pentecost] also known as The Feast of Weeks.

Audio Teaching

Study Notes and Slides

Shavuot Preparation


We are now at the 49th day of the counting of the Omer a picture of Yisrael being delivered from the Slavery of Mitsrayim (Egypt) through the Passover then journeying until they reach the Mountain of Yahweh that is called Mount Sinai. The people left Mitsrayim (Egypt) in a spirit of faith trusting in YHWH’s provision so much so that through the mouth of YermeYahu (Jeremiah) YHWH reminds them in those later days how he remembers them:

YermeYahu 2:2 ‘Thus said YHWH, “I remember you, the kindness of your youth, the love of your betrothal, when you went after Me in the wilderness, in a land that was not sown.

We also know that in that journey there were obstacles that caused Yisrael to doubt and complain resulting in judgement & punishments from the hand of YHWH but he remained faithful giving them provisions till he finally brought them to the Kodesh (Holy) Mountain called Sinai or Ḥorĕḇ:

How then do we see that this journey relates to us? We see it quite clearly in the lives of the Sh’liychiym (the sent ones) as they have a spiritual awakening that began at Passover that restored their faith and gave them empowered understanding and finally they are prepared for the truth of Shavuot as they await the promise of the Father given to them by Yahshua who commands them to wait in Yerushalayim. 

What we must understand is that Pesach (Passover) is the symbol of our Salvation in Yahshua or the deliverance from the slavery of sin and the counting of the Omer is a preparation that leads to understanding and a heart prepared for the receiving of the Torah & the outpouring of the RUACH Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) at Shavuot. We could therefore say that from Passover to Shavuot is a progressive Journey that Yahweh designed to prepare the heart of his people to receive his word in their heart. 

In light of that we will look to Shavuot (Pentecost) the Feast of Weeks as the completion of the Journey & reflect on that. 

In our Liturgy on Shavuot we will cover much of the features of Shavuot so I will try to prepare us all for this great Feast and add some insights that will greatly inspire us:

The Foreshadowing of Shavuot: 

Interestingly Shavuotfollows seven completed Shabbats (Sabbaths) so it also portrays the Yovel (Jubilee) which occurs after seven completed Shemita cycles being seven year cycles bringing us to the end of 49 years after which is the Yovel (Jubilee) being a year of liberty both from Slavery & debt. Surely the giving of the Torah the very instructions of YHWH is a picture of liberty to those that receive it. Though Yisrael had been redeemed from their Slavery they were not yet free until they received the Torah their instruction for righteous living at Mount Sinai that would teach them how to be a free people. 

Upon the instruction of YHWH we find that Yisrael was also commanded to observe these feasts as a foreshadowing of what YHWH ultimately would do through Yahshua who is the fulfilment of all the Feasts:

Exodus 34:22 Three times in the year all your men shall appear before YHWH, Elohim of Yisrael.  24 For I will cast out the nations before you and enlarge your borders; neither will any man covet your land when you go up to appear before YHWH your Elohim three times in the year. 


Since Shavuot commemorates the conclusion of the Barley Harvest and the beginning of the Wheat Harvest it is interesting that in the very middle of the text concerning Shavuot there is also an instruction that must not be overlooked:


Vayikra (Leviticus) 23:22 when you reap the harvest of your land do not completely reap the corners of your field when you reap and do not gather any gleaning from your harvest. Leave them for the poor and for the stranger. I am YHWH your Elohim.’”

The Counting of the Omer began with Chag Ha Bikkurim “The Feast of the First Fruits” of the Barley Harvest & ends with yet another Feast of First Fruits being the “First Fruits of the Wheat Harvest.” It is interesting that right in the middle of this reading YHWH is making provision for the Poor & the Goyim or Stranger demonstrating his all-encompassing desire to join those outside the Covenant to Yisrael in the Covenant with all the Covenantal blessings. 

It is for this reason that the book of Ruth plays such a prominent part during this time and is often also studied along with the Torah & Yechezkel (Ezekiel). 

What makes the book of Ruth so interesting is that she had entered into the Covenant through her husband but when he died she was free to go back to her own former life and belief but rather than that she makes this great confession:


Ruth 1:16 But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you, or to turn back from following after you. For wherever you go, I will go; and wherever you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people and your Elohim my Elohim. 17“Where you die, I will die and there I shall be buried. YHWH do so to me and more also – if anything but death itself parts you and me.”

We also find that Ruth began by gleaning at the beginning of the Barley harvest and continues leading up to Shavuot the wheat harvest all acted out during the counting of the Omer. The book of Ruth therefore is a Picture of the redemption of the Stranger or the Foreigner exactly what Vayikra (Leviticus) is instructing. 

Is it not true that since the outpouring of the RUACH Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) in the book of Acts we are in the time of Gleaning on the edges of the fields of Yisarel to bring in the strangers or Goyim as well though the strangers may also be the lost of Yisrael who have become strangers to the Covenant. 

Romans 11:25 For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Yisrael until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.

The Uniqueness of the First Shavuot:

In all of History there had never been a time like this when a whole Nation heard the voice of YHWH when he manifested and came down on Mount Sinai. 


Historically this day celebrates the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai:

We read that upon the instruction of YHWH the people were to prepare themselves for YHWH to descend upon the Mountain:


Shemoth 19:10- 12 And YHWH said to Mosheh, “Go to the people and set them apart today and tomorrow. And they shall wash their garments, 11and shall be prepared by the third day. For on the third day HWHY shall come down upon Mount Sinai before the eyes of all the people. 12“And you shall make a border for the people all around, saying, ‘Take heed to yourselves that you do not go up to the mountain or touch the border of it. Whoever touches the mountain shall certainly be put to death.

It was that awesome & frightening that we read in:


Shemoth (exodus) 20:18-20 Now all the people witnessed the thunderings, the lightning flashes, the sound of the Shofar (trumpet), and the mountain smoking; and when the people saw it, they trembled and stood afar off.  19 Then they said to Mosheh, “You speak with us, and we will hear; but let not Elohim speak with us, lest we die.”

Yet we read in the following that we have a greater and better hope than they:


Ibrim (Hebrews) 12:21- 22 But you have drawn near to Mount Tsiyon and to the city of the living Elohim, to the heavenly Yerushalayim, to myriads of messengers (Angels), 23 to the entire gathering and assembly of the first-born having been enrolled in heaven and to Elohim the Judge of all and to the spirits of righteous men made perfect, 24 and to Yahshua the Mediator of a renewed covenant and to the blood of sprinkling which speaks better than the blood of Heḇel.

It is only by the perfect sacrifice of Yahshua that we can all hope to draw near and be made perfect and it is through Shavuot (Pentecost) that we are assured that his blood was accepted by YHWH our great Elohim: 


It is also exceedingly important for us to realize that at the first Shavuot, YHWH did pour out his Ruach on the Seventy elders though not on all the people.

When Moshe gathers the 70 Elders we see a great event that had never happened before:


Bemidbar (Numbers) 11:24- 29 Mosheh gathered the seventy men of the elders of the people and placed them around the tabernacle.  25 Then YHWH came down in the cloud, and spoke to him, and took of the Spirit that was upon him, and placed the same upon the seventy elders; and it happened, when the Spirit rested upon them, that they prophesied, although they never did so again. 26 But two men had remained in the camp: the name of one was Eldad, and the name of the other Medad. And the Spirit rested upon them. Now they were among those listed, but who had not gone out to the tabernacle; yet they prophesied in the camp.  27 And a young man ran and told Mosheh, and said, “Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp.” 

28 So Yahushua(Joshua) the son of Nun, Mosheh’s assistant, one of his choice men, answered and said, “Mosheh my Master, forbid them!”

29 Then Mosheh said to him, “Are you zealous for my sake? Oh, that all Yahweh’s people were prophets and that YHWH would put His Spirit upon them!”


This surely was fulfilled if we observe what happened in the Book of Acts when all the faithful were filled with the RUACH Ha Kodesh (The Holy Spirit). A question does arise however. On the occasion of the 70 Elders we see two men who were of the Elders but that had remained in the camp having the RUACH Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) resting upon them also. 

In the book of Acts we are driven to think that at the giving of the RUACH Ha Kodesh there were 120 believers present based on Acts 1:15 though the number is not mentioned in Acts 2 but we also know that Shaul (Paul) tells us in 1 Corinthians 15:6 that over 500 saw the risen Master. The question arises based on our reading whether any that were not at the appointed place & time on this Feast like Eldad & Medad were filled with the RUACH Ha Kodesh seeing that possibly not all the faithful were at the appointed place.

The Ten Covenant Words inscribed by the Finger of YAHWEH: 

Following the fear of the people over hearing the voice of YHWH we find Mosheh ascending the mountain to receive the ten Covenant Words or what is commonly known as the “Ten Commandments.” We can know what the sages say, to enhance our understanding as to how totally awesome this event was:


The Sages say when Mosheh went up the Mountain in Shemoth 24 that YHWH wrote the Covenant words on Sapphire cubes rather than Tablets with his own finger so they would be seen on both sides and when Mosheh would lift them up the fire of YHWH would hit the tablets to produce a Rainbow effect referred to as the Bow of YHWH and this would marvellously project the Hebrew letters written on them by the finger of YHWH on the people and would give the image of fiery letters which historical witnesses say appeared as tongues of Fire. We read in:

YermeYahu (Jeremiah) 23:29 Is not My Word like a fire?” declares YHWH

The Ancient Rabbis also taught that not only did Yisrael hear the voice of YHWH but actually saw the sound waves as they emerged from the mouth of Yahweh. They taught that each commandment was a fiery substance that left YHWH’s mouth, travelled around the whole camp and finally engraved itself on the Tablets: (Marish on Shmot page 182.) 

“Rabbi Johanan said that the voice as it was uttered split into seventy languages so that all the Nations might understand.” (Quote- Sh’mot (Exodus) Rabbah 5:9) 

Also that the Divine voice spoke so that all the children of men might understand its world-embracing and man redeeming message” - Rabbi Joseph Hertz, quoted from the authorized daily prayer book page 791.

The Fulfilment of Shavuot:

If we now return to the Brit Chadashah (New Testament) we can now obtain better truth without the burden of the commonly held traditions:


Firstly from our former teaching we remember the Following:

Luke 24:51- 53 And it came to be, while He was blessing them, that He was parted from them and was taken up into the heavens. 52 And they worshipped Him, and returned to Yerushalayim with great joy, 53 and were continually in the Beyth Ha Mikdash (The Temple) praising and blessing Elohim! Amĕn.  

Though the Sh’liychiym (the Apostles) had returned to Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) it is clear that they were constantly in the Temple even before the Feast of Shavuot. Though the Apostles may have stayed in a rented apartment they were gathering with other taught ones (disciples) in Solomon’s Porch on the Temple Mount. When we read that at Shavuot they were in the house they were in the “Beit Ha Mikdash”  the House of Prayer being the Temple according to the Command of YHWH that all faithful Yahudim (Jews) would be obedient to. Sadly the misunderstanding of them being in a small upper room tradition has led to Replacement theology and caused a loss of the wonder and power of this significant event. 

It was during this time that the believers were all gathered as we read and certainly they were reading the Scrolls of the Torah, Ezekiel, Ruth and the Prophets such as Yoel (Joel) in an upper study room of the Beit Mikdash (the Temple):


It was at this time that the fulfilment of the Prophet Yoel (Joel) was seen:

Acts 2:1 And when the Day of the Festival of weeks had come, they were all with one mind in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from the heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 3 And there appeared to them cloven (divided) tongues, as of fire and settled on each one of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Set apart Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them to speak.

In these verses it speaks of a “Mighty Rushing Wind” but the term in Aramaic is “Rucha Ruach” which means a “Breathing Breath.” Therefore RUACH often translated as the Spirit or RUACH Ha Kodesh is the breath of YHWH. 

An interesting note is that according to the tradition of the Yahudim (Jews) when the Cohenim (Priests) ministered in the Mishkan (the Tent of Meeting) or what is called the Mikdash (the Sanctuary) when the esteem of YHWH would come and fill the Tent the walls of the Tent would begin to expand and contract and they would hear breathing and know his presence was there.

Just as with Mount Sinai the Fire of YHWH came down even so here they saw a pillar of fire that divided and appeared as cloven tongues and they were all filled with the Spirit (RUACH). 

The Significance of King Messiah’s Sacrifice

Shavuot for all who believe is the sign that the sacrifice of King Messiah was accepted resulting in the giving of the RUACH Ha Kodesh who is the manifestation of the Father & the Son:

Yochanan (John) 14: 23 Yahshua answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.

Since we noted that the Sh’liychiym (The Apostles) were asked by Yahshua to remain in Yerushalayim awaiting the promise of the Father Shavuot becomes ever so important. Through the outpouring of the RUACH Ha Kodesh that was now available to all believers a great boldness was available not only the twelve or the 120 but to all who call upon the name and receive faith in Yahshua. The truth of Scripture is now available to all through the work of the RUACH ha Kodesh but it is still a partnership with people of open hearts to Yahweh’s words lest divisions arise as we have seen throughout all history.

The Former & Later Rain:

We read in Acts how Kepha (Peter) explains that the outpouring of the RUACH Ha Kodesh (The Holy Spirit) at that Shavuot was a fulfilment of the words of the Prophet Yoel (Joel):


Acts 2:17 17‘And it shall be in the last days, says Elohim, that I shall pour out of My Spirit on all flesh. And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams,


Since Yisrael was a highly agricultural Nation the term Former rain refers to the Spring rain while the Later rain refers to the Autumn rain and we see YHWH using his agricultural Calendar to spiritually fulfil these too. 

Yoel (Joel) 2:23 And you children of Tsiyon, be glad and rejoice in YHWH your Elohim, for He shall give you the Teacher of Righteousness and cause the rain to come down for you, the former rain and the latter rain, as before.

Since Shavuot could be seen as the time period of the former rain and this is when its fulfilment came by the outpouring of the RUACH Ha Kodesh (The Holy Spirit) there is an expectation of the latter day outpouring before that great and awesome Day of YHWH. 


The Prophecy of the latter rain is the fulfilment of the ingathering of the lost of Yisrael from the four corners of the World. Now this is the age of the Feast of Tabernacles (Succoth) the time of the latter rain:


In Conclusion:

As we prepare ourselves for Shavuot (Pentecost) may we prepare ourselves by not only the cleansing of our bodies as the Yisraelites were told to do by Mosheh for three days but may we immerse ourselves in His word like all his Talmidim (Disciples) did awaiting the promise of the Father.  


  1. We remember the Sinai Shavuot as the giving of the Torah which was then written on stone.

  2. At the Shavuot of Acts we remember the RUACH ha Kodesh was given to all the believers because the sacrifice of Yahshua was completely acceptable.

  3. At Sinai even though YHWH knew what was happening in the camp he still wrote out the Covenant with his finger. The result was that 3000 of the ringleaders of the cult of the Bull were killed by the faithful Levites and in contrast at Shavuot when Kepha preached of the Salvation found only in Yahshua 3000 were immersed into the faith.

  4. The outpouring of the Ruach gave to believers the anointing for boldness and that Yahweh’s Torah might be written on hearts that were now able to receive them.


Have a blessed Shavuot

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