The Road from Unbelief to Understanding (Omar count)


The Road from Unbelief to Understanding (Omar count)

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The Road from Unbelief to Understanding



In our previous teachings we discovered that according to Hebrew tradition the time from “Bikkurim” (Feast of First Fruits) to Shavuot (Pentecost) is a time of introspect or of self-examination, a time of developing the characteristics of YHWH based on the Commandment from YHWH to count the days up to Shavuot (Pentecost). For this purpose we follow daily reflection with each day adding a new dimension to those personal aspects that will prepare us to receive the Torah (the Word of YHWH) at Shavuot (Pentecost). Since a true change in our personality cannot be achieved by our own strength in my last teaching I showed that at the Resurrection Yahshua imparted to the Talmidim (the Disciples) his RUACH (Spirit) that they would have the ability to develop faith and be implanted with the character of YHWH working in them to empower them for the work that was ahead of them.  We clearly saw how Kepha (Peter) in his own strength was unable to follow through on the things he had spoken and when the moment of test came he denied the master three times. We saw however that upon receiving the strength of the RUACH (Spirit) and by seeing the risen Master their lives drastically changed from Disappointment to Faith. Today it is my desire to see the means by which the Master would bring his disciples from unbelief to Understanding. For them as it is for us a further dimension for this time we call “Sefirat HaOmer” “counting of the Omer” was needed because we know that the disciples during this time did not only follow the normal counting as they do today but a far deeper dimension that we will endeavour to look into.  

The understanding of the Machiach (Messiah):

[In Judaism today the concept of the Mashiach (Messiah) is as follows. The Mashiach will be a great political leader descended from King David:

YermeYahu (Jeremiah) 23:5 “Behold, the days are coming,” says YHWH (the Lord), “That I will raise to David a Branch of righteousness; A King shall reign and prosper, And execute judgment and righteousness in the earth.

The Mashiach is often referred to as "Mashiach ben David" (Messiah, son of David). He will be well-versed in Yahudi (Jewish) law, and observant of its commandments:

YeshiYahu (Isaiah) 11:2-5. 

He will be a charismatic leader, inspiring others to follow his example. He will be a great military leader, who will win battles for Yisrael. He will be a great judge, who makes righteous decisions:

(Jeremiah 33:15)

But above all, he will be a human being.]

Quoted from Judaism 101 ( )

As we observe the Talmidim (Disciples) we get this same idea arising since they see Yahshua the Master as this upcoming leader Anointed by YHWH to restore the Kingdom of Yisrael but being ignorant of his true purpose in his 1st appearance as the Lamb of Elohim that came to bear the sins of the whole world. 

Though the Talmidim (the Disciples) had experienced firsthand all his mighty miracles believing him to be the anointed of Elohim they were in great expectation of him establishing his Kingdom and we see something of that in the following:

MatithYAHU (Matthew) 16:28 “Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.”

As the Disciples lacked understanding they too developed a belief that Yahshua whom they believed was the promised Mashiach (Messiah) had come to establish the restored Kingdom with him ruling and them ruling with him:

Further we read of the incident that reveals more:

MattithYahu (Matthew) 17:1- 4 And after six days Yahshua took Kepha (Peter) and Ya‛acov (James) and Yochanan (John) his brother and brought them up on a high mountain by themselves, 2 and He was transformed before them and His face shone like the sun and His garments became as white as the light. 3 And see, Mosheh (Moses) and Ĕliyahu (Elijah) appeared to them, talking with Him. 4 And Kepha (Peter) answering, said to Yahshua, “Master, it is good for us to be here. If You wish, let us make here three Tabernacles: one for You, one for Mosheh (Moses) and one for Ĕliyahu (Elijah).”

What is interesting in this reading is that there is an implication that this time was near the time of Succoth the Feast of Tabernacles since Kepha (Peter) speaks of making Tabernacles or Booths which are constructed before this Feast. What is also interesting is that among the Yahudim (Jews) there is and was a belief that the Mashiach (Messiah) would come to establish the restored Kingdom during this feast.

We read just after Yahshua had said that he would die, this word from the Mother of Yochanan (John) & Ya’acov (James) showing their total misunderstanding of his purpose and a belief that he was about to establish His Kingdom just like Judaism believed with regards the Mashiach (Messiah). 

MattithYahu (Matthew) 20:21 She said to Yahshua, “Grant that these two sons of mine may sit, one on Your right hand and the other on the left, in Your kingdom.”

Hope turned to shear unbelief:

As a result of a misguided understanding of the Mashiach (Messiah) we find the Talmidim (Disciples) coming together out of fear of the Yahudi (Jewish) leaders and overwhelmed by Sorrow and misunderstanding that their Master had been taken from them since they were hoping for so much more. 

With this mindset that had turned to despair the Talmidim (Disciples) had great difficult believing that Yahshua had risen according to the words of the Women. Today without a Hebraic understanding of sin and the Sacrificial System people may find it difficult to understand the need for the death and resurrection of Yahshua. This belief in the Resurrection however is imperative to us as Sha’ul (Paul) writes in: 

1 Corinthians 15:14 And if Messiah is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty. 15 Yes, and we are found false witnesses of Elohim, because we have testified of Elohim that He raised up Messiah, whom He did not raise up—if in fact the dead do not rise. 16 For if the dead do not rise, then Messiah is not risen. 17 And if Messiah is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins! 18 Then also those who have fallen asleep in Messiah have perished. 19 If in this life only we have hope in Messiah, we are of all men the most pitiable. 

It has also been suggested that Thomas was not with the others because of his great sorrow that tore him apart so much he needed solitude. This great sorrow so overwhelmed him that when he came together with the disciples he could not believe what the other disciples were telling him. 

It was only when the Master appeared again that we read of his faith:

Yochanan (John) 20:27- 29 Then He said to T’oma (Thomas),“Bring your finger here, and see My hands. Bring your hand and put it into My side – and do not be unbelieving, but believing.” 28 And T’oma answered and said to Him, “My Master and my Elohim!” 29 Yahshua said to him, “T’oma, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.”

Remember none of his disciples understood correctly the Scriptures concerning him since they still had to overcome the traditions taught them by the Pharisees which they would have grown up on. 

It is not unlike the difficulties faced by Christians who come into the Netzarim movement.  They face many different teachings that conflict with the traditional teachings which so often are hard to break, though confronted with truth.

Even today few Yisraelites understand about Yahshua fulfilling the role of the Mashiach (Messiah) and have adopted the idea of a Mashiach Ben Yoseph (Messiah Son of Joseph) being the suffering servant and a different person being the Mashiach Ben David (Messiah Son of David) the promised ruler and descendant of King David. 

The result was that the disciples were left with their hopes crushed. Hope is such a fickle thing. The hope of seeing the Kingdom established by Yahshua with his Disciples at his side was what drove them but now that was totally crushed. The hope of seeing our circumstances change often finds us in a depressive state too but faith strengthens us to remain firm:

 Ibrim (Hebrews) 11:1- 2 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 2 For by it the elders obtained a good testimony.

Though the Elders did not see their hopes realised they were a great example of faith. Yahshua demonstrates the example of the faith & hope of Abraham in:

Yochanan (John) 8:56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.”

Concealed to be Revealed:

On the day that Yahshua appeared to the Disciples we also find two of his Talmidim (Disciples) on the road to Emmaus leaving Yerushalayim & feeling despondent as we read:

Luke 24:13 Now behold, two of them were traveling that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was seven miles from Yerushalayim (Jerusalem). 14 And they talked together of all these things which had happened. 15 So it was, while they conversed and reasoned that Yahshua Himself drew near and went with them. 16 But their eyes were restrained, so that they did not know Him.

There is a question here to be raised! For what purpose did Yahshua keep from them who he was?  

One thing we notice throughout the Mission of Yahshua is that he never outright said who he was. We find him however asking his Talmidim (the Disciples) who they thought he was & Kepha (Peter) says this in:

MattithYAHU (Matthew) 16:16-17 Shimon Kepha (Simon Peter) answered and said, “You are the Mashiach (Messiah), the Son of the living Elohim.”

17 Yahshua answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Shimon Bar Yonah (Simon Bar-Jonah), for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in the Shamaiyim (heavens). 

Interestingly Yahshua however gives this Commandment to his Talmidim (Disciples):

MattithYAHU (Matthew) 16:20 Then He commanded His Talmidim (disciples) that they should tell no one that He was Yahshua Ha Mashiach (The Messiah).

Rather than Yahshua revealing himself on this road as he speaks to his Disciples we see him concealing his identity as we read:

Luke 24:17- 27 And Yahshua said to them, “What kind of conversation is this that you have with one another as you walk and are sad?”

18 Then the one whose name was Cleopas answered and said to Him, “Are You the only stranger in Jerusalem, and have You not known the things which happened there in these days?

19 And He said to them, “What things?”

So they said to Him, “The things concerning Yahshua of Nazareth, who was a Prophet mighty in deed and word before Elohim and all the people, 20 and how the chief priests and our rulers delivered Him to be condemned to death, and crucified Him. 21 But we were hoping that it was He who was going to redeem Yisrael. Indeed, besides all this, it has been three days since[1] these things happened. 22 Yes, and certain women of our company, who arrived at the tomb early, astonished us. 23 When they did not find His body, they came saying that they had also seen a vision of Malakim (angels) who said He was alive. 24 And certain of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said; but Him they did not see.”

Note 1 Many Scripture versions have “today is the third day” but the Greek word is “Apo” which tends to mean away from or separated from so it should read that it is “three days from the Crucifixion.” Therefore they were separated from the event by three days. 

The Great truth is Revealed: 

What we find in the actions of Yahshua is that this time of “the counting of the Omer: is especially significant to his disciples since we will see that it was a time of Spiritual growth. Yahshua used a great means to bring these Talmidim (Disciples) into understanding not just by him proving he had risen:

Luke 24:25-27 Then He said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! 26 Ought not the Machiach (Messiah) to have suffered these things and to enter into His glory?” 27 And beginning at Mosheh (Moses) and all the Prophets (Nevim), He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.

Here lies the great truth of Yahshua’s purpose. He desired that his Talmidim (Disciples) would come to an understanding of his purpose through the words of the Torah & the Neviim (Prophets) that they too could prove to others the truth of his suffering & Resurrection based on Scripture. He most likely revealed the needed suffering of Mashiach (Messiah) through the writings of the Prophet YeshiYahu (Isaiah) chapters 52 & 53 and also through Mosheh by quoting possibly the following:

Devarim (Deuteronomy) 18:15-18 YHWH your Elohim shall raise up for you a Prophet like me from your midst, from your brothers. Listen to Him, 16 according to all you asked of YHWH your Elohim in Ḥorĕḇ in the day of the assembly, saying, ‘Let me not hear again the voice of YHWH my Elohim,

nor let me see this great fire any more, lest I die.’ 17“And YHWH said to me, ‘What they have spoken is good. 18‘I shall raise up for them a Prophet like you out of the midst of their brothers. And I shall put My Words in His mouth and He shall speak to them all that I command Him.

Surely Yahshua would have also opened their understanding to the many Images that are revealed in other books of the Tanakh like the image of Yitschaq (Isaac) who Abraham offered with the result that a Ram became his substitute. 

 The Disciples’ Eyes Opened

Rather than Yahshua simply revealing who he was he determined to allow the RUACH Ha Kodesh (The Holy Spirit) that would from now on teach them all things to begin to reveal the truth to them through the Scriptures:

Luke 24:28-32 Then they drew near to the village where they were going, and He indicated that He would have gone farther. 29 But they constrained Him, saying, “Abide with us, for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent.” And He went in to stay with them.

30 Now it came to pass, as He sat at the table with them, that He took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. 31 Then their eyes were opened and they knew Him; and He vanished from their sight.

32 And they said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?”

The Great truth of the purpose for Yahshua’s concealment is that true revelation comes best with a diligent search of Scripture for with that as we saw with these Talmidim came a burning of the heart produced by the RUACH Ha Kodesh which so impacted them that they had to return to tell the others of their great experience and understanding. 

The Purpose revealed:

This time we call “Sefirat Ha Omer” now became an extremely significant time for Yahshua’s Talmidim (Disciples) because it was more than developing a heart to receive YHWH’s commands signified by the remembrance of Sinai. 

Since the Talmidim (Disciples) did not have the easy access that we have to the Scriptures as they were only available in the study halls of the Beit HaMikdash (the Temple) they truly needed the presence of the RUACH Ha Kodesh (The Holy Spirit) working in their midst. 

Sefirat Ha Omer (the Counting of the Sheaves) or the countdown to Shavuot therefore became for them a time of fellowship, of intense prayer and revelation from the Master and through the RUACH Ha Kodesh (The Holy Spirit) that would see his Talmidim (Disciples) transformed from fearful intimidated people of unbelief to an assembly of faith filled emissaries who now understood Scripture, and were suitable for use by the Master. 

The Master himself began that transition after his Resurrection by empowering his Talmidim (Disciples) with the RUACH (Spirit) & giving them understanding as we read in:

Luke 24:44-45 Then Yahshua said to them, “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled that were written in the Torah of Mosheh and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.” 45 Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, 46 and said to them, “Thus it has been written and so it was necessary for the Messiah to suffer and to rise again from the dead the third day, 47 and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in His Name to all nations, beginning at Yerushalayim.  

Make the Omer Count: 

As we progress from Pesach (Passover) through Sefirat Ha Omer (the Counting of the Sheaves) I hope we receive its full impact as the Talmidim (Disciples) did. It should be for us also a time of seeking the presence of YHWH through the RUACH Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) not only to bring us to a renewed personality shaped by the Father but also a renewed heart & mind by a deeper understanding of Scripture that we too can be better equipped to receive the fullness of his word and fulfil more completely his Mitzvot (Commands) that like with the Sh’liychiym (Apostles) we too would be changed in heart & mind to be in Echad (Unity) with each other and with YAHWEH our beloved Father and that of his son Yahshua to fill the Nations with the Besorah (Good News) of repentance and remission of sin in his name:

Final Note: 


To illustrate the transformations that His resurrection has already made, think about the Tree & the tomb.

1.  Before His resurrection, the Tree was known only as an instrument of horrible death. So terrible was this form of execution that the Roman Empire prohibited the crucifixion of Roman citizens. Crucifixion was only for the worst of slaves & enemies of the empire.

But today, because of His resurrection, it is a thing of beauty, for all around the world the execution Tree or the Cross with Christians is seen as a symbol of hope, & a reminder of the love of YHWH our great Elohim.

2.  And what about His tomb? Before the resurrection, for most of the world, the grave was looked upon as the final chapter, the closing of a great door, the end of everything.

But because of His resurrection, we can rejoice today that beyond death is where life really begins, & it will never end. Amein.

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A Torah I Can Count On (Teaching on the Omer Count)


A Torah I Can Count On (Teaching on the Omer Count)

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A Torah I Can Count On

We as human beings count on many things. We count on the fact that we will be here again tomorrow. We count on the means that we have to support ourselves. But faith is counting on the fact that Yahweh will bring each one of us personal victory over all that sets itself against us to do us harm. The most dangerous and potentially damaging thing we face is ourselves. This is why the Torah was not set up for evil spirits, it was set up for us. 

Most of us came into this walk looking for more truth. We indeed find more truth, that’s not the problem, it’s what we tend to do after finding this truth that is difficult. 

Everything in the Torah and Messiah’s fulfillment of it, which required even him to show his own obedience stacked against difficulty, is designed to refine us and bring us to the ultimate goal of at-one-ment with the Creator. 


“And being found in appearance as a man, (Messiah) humbled himself by becoming obedient to death-- even death on a tree (Philippians 2:8)!”


No-one ever achieved a victory over anything without engaging in a battle. The very nature of the word “victory” is dependent on a prior struggle for this word to be even eligible in a sentence!


The natural process of being born has been deliberately set up to teach us this principle. A child is conceived in a time of intimate joy, it grows and then goes through a process where it and its mother come the closest to death that they will ever be in our natural state. When a child is born it is a very dangerous time. The mother loses blood and the child makes the dangerous transition from existing in a womb to existing on its own in the outside world. 


By complaining about hardships rather than praising the Father through them we are complaining about the natural order of creation, which has been set up to create men into angels. 


I don’t care if it’s the tinniest or most insignificant thing in the Torah, if it’s not beheld with the same awe as the grandest thing, we are killing our Divine status in heaven. 


“Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:19)” 


The battle starts on a micro-cosmic level. From the moment we wake up, we are assaulted by the Evil Inclination. We know we should get up, but the first thought that occurs to us is that we can’t, then we probe this thought and realise that we actually don’t feel like it, then we probe deeper and find out that we actually don’t want to! Very quickly we cycle through from can’t to don’t want to!

Do we stay asleep, a state that most closely resembles death, or do we wake up and leave Egypt? Pesach is the wake-up, the Omer is the Journey and Shavuot is the reward. So let’s start with waking up.


The first major captivity was Egypt. It saw the first enmass oppression of the nation of Israel as a whole. It could be likened to a mother’s womb, starting out as a small fetus receiving nourishment and growing healthily. Just 70 souls who had gone down to Egypt had grown to 2.5 to 3.5 million people over the course of 430 years (Exodus 12:40-41). So it comes to no surprise that Egypt became an exceedingly tight space, hence its name Mitzrayim, from the root meitzar (מיצר), meaning “sea strait” denoting a “narrow” or “tight place.”   


Even Pharaoh declared, “Look, the Israelites have become far too numerous for us. (Exodus 1:9)” It was true, the woman of Israel were being blessed to be able to give birth with little difficulty, even the midwives who conspired to keep the male infants alive, but would not have dared lie to Pharaoh confessed, “Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive. (Exodus 1:19)” The Hebrew women gave birth at an unnatural rate to very strong and healthy children. The Jewish writings relate that many women gave birth to twins or as many as six children at a time, with three males and three females to boot. The Midrash explains that, “As time went on, the (Israelite) population in Egypt exploded. Women gave birth every nine months…In fact, the growth was so rapid that 600,000 children were born on one particular night…The Land of Goshen was no longer large enough to contain the burgeoning (Israelite) population, and numerous (Israelites) began to settle in the central areas of Egypt. (Israel) became like thorns in the eyes of the Egyptians. Wherever they went, the Egyptians saw multitudes of (Israelites) before their eyes, and the sight disgusted them” – Ley My Nation Go by Yoseph Deutsch (P. 32) Indeed the Scriptures tell us that “…Yahweh caused His people to be very fruitful, And made them stronger than their adversaries. (Psalm 105:24)”

The Egyptians worked in carefully planned phases to diminish the population. While their efforts didn’t seem to succeed in bringing down the Nation’s physical numbers significantly, it did cause the Nation’s internal workings to be become severely damaged. 

The prolonged suffering stripped the Israelites of many Holy Traits. 


There are seven sephirot or attributes that make up Yahweh’s character and each human being also carries these same seven sephirot as we are the image of the Almighty. They are:

  1. Chesed (Kindness) 
  2. Gevurah (Strength)
  3. Tipheret (Adornment)
  4. Netzach (Victory)
  5. Hod (Splendour)
  6. Yosed (Foundation)
  7. Malchut (Kingdom)

These seven attributes are divided into a further subgroup of seven characteristics making 49. So there are 49 traits of the human heart that correspond to the 49 days that we are instructed to count from Pesach to Shavuot. They are: 


  1. Chesed of Chesed: Loving-kindness in Loving-kindness - Yahweh’s Mercy acting on our attribute of mercy.
  2. Day 2 -- Gevurah of Chesed: Discipline in Loving-kindness - Yahweh’s Judgment acting on our attribute of mercy.
  3. Day 3 -- Tiferet of Chesed: Compassion, Harmony in Loving-kindness - Yahweh’s beauty acting upon your attribute of mercy.
  4. Day 4 -- Netzach of Chesed: Endurance in Loving-kindness - Yahweh’s victory or endurance acting on our sense of mercy.
  5. Day 5 -- Hod of Chesed: Humility in Loving-kindness - Yahweh’s glory acting upon our attribute of mercy.
  6. Day 6 -- Yesod of Chesed: Bonding in Loving-kindness - Yahweh builds a foundation with which to support our attribute of mercy. 
  7. Day 7 -- Malchut of Chesed: Nobility in Loving-kindness - Yahweh teaching us Kingdom principles to act on our attribute of mercy.



  1. Day 8 - Chesed of Gevurah: Loving-kindness in Discipline - Yahweh’s mercy acting on our attribute of judgment.
  2. Day 9 -- Gevurah of Gevurah: Discipline in Discipline - Yahweh’s judgment acting on our attribute of justice.
  3. Day 10 -- Tiferet of Gevurah: Compassion in Discipline - Yahweh’s beauty acting on our attribute of justice.
  4. Day 11 -- Netzach of Gevurah: Endurance in Discipline -Yahweh’s Victory acting on our attribute of justice.
  5. Day 12 -- Hod of Gevurah: Humility in Discipline - Yahweh’s glory acting upon our attribute of justice.
  6. Day 13 -- Yesod of Gevurah: Bonding in Discipline - Yahweh’s establishing a foundation upon our attribute of justice.
  7. Day 14 -- Malchut of Gevurah: Nobility of Discipline - Yahweh’s nobility acting upon our attribute of justice. 




  1. Day 15 -- Chesed of Tiferet: Loving-kindness in Compassion - Yahweh’s mercy acts on our attribute of beauty.
  2. Day 16 -- Gevurah of Tiferet: Discipline in Compassion - Yahweh’s judgment acting on our attribute of beauty.
  3. Day 17 -- Tiferet of Tiferet: Compassion in Compassion - Yahweh’s beauty, compassion, harmony acting upon our attribute of beauty.
  4. Day 18 -- Netzach of Tiferet: Endurance in Compassion - Yahweh’s victory or endurance acting on our sense of beauty.
  5. Day 19 -- Hod of Tiferet: Humility in Compassion - Yahweh’s glory acting upon our attribute of beauty.
  6. Day 20 -- Yesod of Tiferet: Bonding in Compassion - Yahweh’s establishing a foundation upon our attribute of beauty.
  7. Day 21 -- Malchut of Tiferet: Nobility in Compassion -Yahweh’s nobility acting upon our attribute of beauty 




  1. Day 22 -- Chesed of Netzach: Loving-kindness in Endurance -Yahweh’s mercy acts on our attribute of endurance.
  2. Day 23 -- Gevurah of Netzach: Discipline in Endurance - Yahweh’s judgment acting on our attribute of endurance.
  3. Day 24 -- Tiferet of Netzach: Compassion in Endurance -Yahweh’s beauty, compassion, harmony acting upon our attribute of endurance.
  4. Day 25- Netzach of Netzach: Endurance in Endurance - Yahweh’s victory or endurance acting on our sense of endurance.
  5. Day 26 -- Hod of Netzach: Humility in Endurance - Yahweh’s glory acting upon our attribute of endurance.
  6. Day 27 -- Yesod of Netzach: Bonding in Endurance -Yahweh’s establishing a foundation upon our attribute of endurance.
  7. Day 28 -- Machos of Netzach: Nobility in Endurance - Yahweh’s nobility acting upon our attribute of endurance.




  1. Day 29 -- Chesed of Hod: Loving-kindness in Humility -Yahweh’s mercy acts on our attribute of humility.
  2. Day 30 -- Gevurah of Hod: Discipline in Humility -Yahweh’s judgment acting on our attribute of humility.
  3. Day 31 -- Tiferet of Hod: Compassion in Humility - Yahweh’s beauty, compassion, harmony acting upon our attribute of humility.
  4. Day 32 -- Netzach of Hod: Endurance in Humility - Yahweh’s victory or endurance acting on our sense of humility.
  5. Day 33 “Lag B’Omer”-- Hod of Hod: Humility in Humility - Yahweh’s glory acting upon our attribute of humility.
  6. Day 34 -- Yesod of Hod: Bonding in Humility - Yahweh’s establishing a foundation upon our attribute of humility.
  7. Day 35 -- Malchut of Hod: Nobility in Humility - Yahweh’s nobility acting upon our attribute of humility.


    יֻסַּד  YESOD – BONDING


  1. Day 36 -- Chesed of Yesod: Loving-kindness of Bonding - Yahweh’s mercy acts on our attribute of cleaving. 
  2. Day 37 -- Gevurah of Yesod: Discipline of Bonding - Yahweh’s judgment acting on our attribute of cleaving.
  3. Day 38 -- Tiferet of Yesod: Compassion in Bonding - Yahweh’s beauty, compassion, harmony acting upon our attribute of cleaving.
  4. Day 39 -- Netzach of Yesod: Endurance in Bonding - Yahweh’s victory or endurance acting on our sense of cleaving.
  5. Day 40 -- Hod of Yesod: Humility of Bonding - Yahweh’s glory acting upon our attribute of cleaving.
  6. Day 41 -- Yesod of Yesod: Bonding in Bonding - Yahweh’s establishing a foundation upon our attribute of cleaving.
  7. Day 42 -- Malchut of Yesod: Nobility in Bonding - Yahweh’s nobility acting upon our attribute of cleaving.




  1. Day 43 -- Chesed of Malchut: Loving-kindness in Nobility - Yahweh’s mercy acts on our attribute of nobility.
  2. Day 44 -- Gevurah of Malchut: Discipline in Nobility - Yahweh’sjudgment acting on our attribute of nobility.
  3. Day 45 -- Tiferet of Malchut: Compassion in Nobility - Yahweh’s beauty, compassion, harmony acting upon our attribute of nobility.
  4. Day 46 -- Netzach of Malchut: Endurance in Nobility - Yahweh’s victory or endurance acting on our sense of nobility.
  5. Day 47 -- Hod of Malchut: Humility in Nobility -Yahweh’s glory acting upon our attribute of nobility.
  6. Day 48 -- Yesod of Malchut: Bonding in Nobility - Yahweh’s establishing a foundation upon our attribute of nobility.
  7. Day 49 -- Malchut of Malchut: Nobility in Nobility -Yahweh’s Sovereignty acting upon our attribute of nobility.


So, Egypt had almost succeeded in annihilating Israel and they didn’t even know it. They had succeeded in eroding Israel down to forty-ninth and final attribute of what makes us human. This is why 40 – 1 lashes can only be instituted by the Torah, because, 40 lashes brings an individual down to only 9 attributes, a state from which it is very difficult to return. Flogging with a whip is the standard way of inflicting disciplinary punishment: a parent "disciplines" his son by beating him (Deuteronomy 8:5; 21:18; Proverbs 19:18; 23:13–14; 29:17) So Egypt had gone well beyond this measure, even so, Yahweh with His mighty Hand was able to rescue us. This is why our rescue from Egypt is recalled in greater measure over Yahweh’s creation of the entire universe. We are told to recall our rescue out of Egypt over recalling Yahweh’s glorious creation! “Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and that Yahweh your Elohim brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. (Deuteronomy 5:15)” 

The observance of Yahweh’s commands that require us to put ourselves in particular places at particular times train us to relinquish control of our progress through life. We can cease counting on our own understandings and count on the Torah. An Israelite doesn’t float through life, he co-creates and grows in sustenance through it by timing what he does through a prescribed pattern. 


“The steps of a good man are ordered by Yahweh: And He delights in his way. (Psalm 37:23)”

Messiah YahShua stands at the heart and center of everything we are spiritually and everything we do religiously, because He is our Heavenly High Priest ministering the Heavenly Father to us.


“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in Yahweh; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” Thomas said to (Messiah), ‘Adon, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?’ YahShua answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’ (John 14:1-6)”

Full access to the Heavenly Father only comes trough His ministry as High Priest. Messiah YahShua is our literal King as well as being our Saviour. We are forgiven and saved because of Messiah YahShua’s present ministry. We are made children of Yahweh because of the birthing process through the blood of Messiah. 

Nothing is more important than understanding Messiah YahShua’s present ministry. 


“…Messiah…did not take upon himself the glory of becoming a High Priest. But Yahweh said to him, ‘You are my Son; today I have become your Father. (Psalm 2:7)’ And He says in another place, ‘You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek. (Psalm 110:4)’ (Hebrews 5:4-6)”

“When Messiah came as High Priest of the good things that come through the greater and more perfect Tabernacle that is not man-made, that is to say, not a part of this creation. He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but he entered the Holy of Holies once for all by his own blood, having obtained eternal redemption. (Hebrews 9:10-12)”

When you look forward to something very much, when you fix your gaze on a special moment in the future, you count the days to that event. In Leviticus 23:16, the Torah says, "You shall count fifty days from the day that you brought the omer as a wave offering." The Counting of the Omer, or Sefirot HaOmer, עֹמֶר הָ וֹת סָּפֵר begins on the 1st day after the Sabbath after Pesach, commemorating our leaving of Mitzrayim (Egypt), and continues days until we reach Shavuot, the 50th day, commemorating our receiving the Torah at Mt. Horeb (Sinai). This 49-day period is a tremendous opportunity for refinement and growth. 

In the spiritual realm, life has a way of bringing us down to the 49th level of oppression, immorality and spiritual pollution. Years of not knowing who we are in Messiah and being corrupted by man’s ideology and philosophy he passed of as theology has brought us very low - down to the 49th level of spiritual corruption. But by joining yourself to Israel and taking hold of Messiah you are walking forward toward the fiftieth level of spiritual perfection. In seven short weeks, Yahweh brought us from the brink of the spiritual abyss to the highest level of all the generations - the Generation of Revelation, the generation that saw the Express Image of the Father on the mountain, the generation who was fit to receive the Torah.  2000 years after the giving of the Torah, the Faith of Yahweh had been so mixed with the paganism of the world it was hard to see where one left off and the other began – it was to this wicked generation that Messiah came. 

For 3 ½ years Messiah took Israel – mainly Judah – through a Torah crash course:



“Do not think that I came to destroy the Torah or the Naviim (Prophets). I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one yod (יsmallest letter in the AlephBet) or one taug (  “crowns” marks above the letters) will by no means pass from the Torah till all is fulfilled. 

For Messiah to deny Torah would have been like denying His own self-existence.

“In the beginning was the Torah, and the Torah was with Elohim, and the Torah was Elohim. He was in the beginning with Elohim. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. (John 1:1-5)”

As we seek the True Light of Torah, Rebbe YahShua provides the means by which our fleshly weakness can be overcome and our transgressions of Torah be forgiven as we continue our walk of sanctification continually seeking the greater illumination of the Secrets of Torah in our lives. 

“For they being ignorant of Yahweh's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of Yahweh. For Messiah is the goal of the Torah for righteousness to everyone that believes.  For Moshe describes the righteousness which is of the Torah, that the man which doeth those things shall live by them. (Romans 10:3-5)”

It is through Messiah that we are able to strive to live by the instructions & teachings – Torah - of our Creator – Yahweh.

King Messiah YahShua did not abolish the Word of Yahweh.  Our Rebbe came to fulfil Torah by correctly interpreting it.  Messiah came only to abolish the enmity or hatred man had towards Torah because of their sin nature and a wrong interpretation of Torah that opposed Yahweh.  Sin had separated mankind from Yahweh.  The wrong interpretation of Torah created isolationism instead of evangelism and withheld the goodness of Yahweh’s Word from others.  It had always been the Father’s intention for His Torah to be given to the nations through Israel.  Israel was to be the Light (Menorah) to the entire world – a Kingdom of Priests (Exodus 9:16).



“Arise, shine; for your light has come! (Messiah) And the glory of Yahweh is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth (Lack of Torah), and deep darkness (spiritual shame) the people; but Yahweh will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light (Isaiah 60:1-3)”


It is through Torah that Messiah YahShua is revealed.  In Messiah’s own words He upholds Torah. “For if you believed Moshe, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me. But if you do not believe his writings (Torah), how will you believe My words?" (John 5:46,47)”


The prophet Moshe and our King and High Priest, Messiah Yahshua were reading from the same book. 


Now, some of you have been counting the Omer for a few years now and some of you have just found out about it recently. Don’t be fooled! This is a commandment, not a tradition as some Messianics may make you believe. If you do this, if you keep counting, if you go the distance, you will spare yourself so many unnecessary trials. The Omer is designed to refine so many damaged attributes without too much pain. How hard is it to count the Omer and meditate on the corresponding trait for a few moments each day? It’s easy, compared to other more painful learning curves that we can cause to come upon us. 


It is strange, what we do. It’s strange to the eyes of the world. But Yahweh, Messiah and the Torah can be trusted. The Torah knows what it’s doing, even if you don’t sometimes, that’s okay. If there’s a command you don’t understand and it’s not going to hurt anyone either way, why not just do it, and work to find out what the fuller meanings of it is in the process of time. The Torah’s not going to hurt you, not keeping it is. 


You can count on it!

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The Resurrection - From Disappointment to Faith


The Resurrection - From Disappointment to Faith

Video Teaching

This teaching shows the Journey of the Disciples from the disappointment of the death of Yahshua to the rise of their faith that brought them to Shavuot [Pen...

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The Resurrection- From Disappointment to Faith


Introduction: Since we are on this powerful journey towards Shavuot (Pentecost) it is vital that we reflect how we came here and how the death & resurrection of Yahshua changed everything. In the beginning when we read the first book of the Scriptures we see that Yahweh the Elohim of all Creation made Adam & Chavah (Eve) in his image to have fellowship with him and to have dominion over the Eretz (the Earth). When Man sinned that fellowship was broken, man was sent from YHWH’s presence and the World came under the power of Ha Satan & sin. The purpose of the coming of Yahshua ha Machiach (The Messiah) therefore was to restore this broken relationship. We will endeavour today to see how he aids Mankind in that journey to Shavuot or Sinai the place where the Torah his divine instructions on righteous living is given to each of us.

The Foreknowledge of YHWH:

 The story of the defeat of Ha Satan is a Glorious story hatched in eternity past even before the Heavens & Earth existed! After the fall of Man, Ha Satan had dominion over the Earth afflicting man with every vile curse that his evil mind could conceive. His true desire was to transform man into his offspring which we saw through the rise of the Nephilim which he used to defeat the plan of Elohim from ever taking shape. We see his plan almost succeeding in the days of Noach (Noah) when the world was so full of violence that Elohim destroyed all but Noach (Noah), his family & the animals in the Ark but finally the Son of Elohim was manifested upon the Earth. He came in the form of the pre-fallen Adam and scripture calls him the second Adam. We must understand that he was born in the form of the first Adam without sin but with the same potential as Adam otherwise Ha Satan could never temp him. The good News is that Yahshua unlike Adam learned obedience to his Father according to:


Ibrim (Hebrews) 5:7-9who, in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, and was heard because of His reverent fear, 8 though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. 9 And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him, 

Because of his Obedience all mankind has the hope of redemption through faith in his name.  

From Failure to Strength:

 When we read about the Talmidim (the Disciples) we discover that though their intentions were good since they did believe in Yahshua that he was the Promised one & though they saw all his miracles they could not walk in that level of faith that would see them advance to fulfil their true calling. We read some great words again from Kepha (Peter) who was a standout Disciple the one that showed at times great faith and at the time that Yahshua was about to face his greatest test he says this:

MatithYahu (Matthew) 26:33-35 Kepha (Peter) answered and said to Him, “Even if all are made to stumble because of You, I will never be made to stumble.”

34 Yahshua said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you that this night, before the Watcher blows the Shofar (the Rooster crows), you will deny Me three times.”

Note: There was a watcher who would blow the Shofar from the Beyth Ha Mikdash (the Temple) during the Feasts. (Yechezqel-Ezekiel 33:6, Matt 27:65) Hidden Truths Hebraic Scrolls NT.

35 Kepha (Peter) said to Him, “Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You!” And so said all the disciples.

Kepha (Peter) was responding to the words of Yahshua who understood the weakness of man when he said to all his chosen ones:

MattithYahu (Matthew) 26:31 Then Yahshua said to them, “all of you shall stumble in me this night for it has been written, I shall strike the Shepherd and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered.” (Quote from Zecharyah (Zechariah) 13:7

We see that Yisrael too often failed in being true to the Covenant just like when they had declared in:

Shemoth (Exodus) 24:7 All that Yahweh has said we will do & hear.  

The story that follows these words sees the Seventy Elders of Yisrael, Mosheh (Moses), Aharon, Nadab & Abinu ascending Mount Sinai:

Shemoth (Exodus) 24:10-11 and they saw the Elohim of Yisra’ĕl and under His feet like a paved work of sapphire stone and like the heavens for brightness. 11 Yet He did not stretch out His hand

against the chiefs of the children of Yisra’ĕl! And they saw Elohim and they ate and drank.


Considering all that the Yisraelites had experienced how totally strange it is that in Chapter 32 of Shemoth (Exodus) that they desert the words of Yahweh spoken through Mosheh and made an Idol to worship. What this shows is that Man in his own strength is unable to resist his own “Yetzar Ha Ra” or evil inclination. 


We see the same happening with the Talmidim (the Disciples) so surely we too have the same issue if we rely on our own strength as we desire to increase in the Nature of Yahweh as we journey on our way to Shavuot (Pentecost) especially as we desire to use the 49 steps of refinement during what is known as “Counting the Omer.”

If these disciples who had been with Yahshua could not stand the test then what hope could there be for the rest of mankind! It is to the glorious promises as found in Scripture that we must turn, to encourage us. 


Hebrews 2:18 For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted.

Even though seeing the Resurrected Master was the most powerful experience that the Talmidim (Disciples) could have as we saw during the Passover week & beyond it was not sufficient for them to be able to fulfil what Yahshua was calling them to do. Yisrael had seen the hand of YHWH do many mighty signs and even experience his presence but when it came down to it they very quickly fell prey to their own sinful ways. In the above verse we read that Yahshua is able to aid those who are so prone to failure & need his strength so that is what we will look at:

Every believer has a promise from the Master who is able to empower us to be all that the disciples would become for Yahshua tells them in: 

John 14:14-16 “If you love Me, keep My commandments. 16 And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever—

The Good News is that Yahshua promised to send us another helper whom we know as the RUACH Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit: 

John 16: 7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.

What joy & comfort it is for us to know that Yahshua knew our weakened state & has given us such a blessed promise that the RUACH Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) is given to all believers that we can be strong & establish the Kingdom of Elohim on this Earth not in our strength but in His. 

The RUACH Ha Kodesh (The Holy Spirit):

The first humbling truth that we need to understand & that Kepha (Peter) also needed to understand is that every part of the believer’s life is a work of the RUACH Ha Kodesh (The Holy Spirit). We can do nothing in our own strength and we will now see how all credit goes to the mighty working of the RUACH Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) who is the Spirit of Machiach (Messiah) therefore when Yahshua promised to never leave us nor forsake us he was referring to the presence of the RUACH Ha Kodesh (The Holy Spirit) whom all believers possess & whom remains with us.

However ever at the resurrection the Talmidim (Disciples) were still in hiding fearing for their lives but at the Appearance of Yahshua not only did they receive revelation but as we will read something drastically changed. 

 To understand what happened we need to address the fact that before the Death & Resurrection of Yahshua the RUACH could not dwell with man but upon Yahshua’s perfect sacrifice Man now had Atonement for sin that the RUACH (Spirit) could dwell with man who was cleansed by the blood of the perfect Lamb of Elohim:

If this be the case then what are the Workings of the RUACH Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit): 

  1. The first Work of the RUACH Ha Kodesh (The Holy Spirit):

Many believers have been taught that the Holy Spirit was not given until Shavuot (Pentecost) but is this strictly the truth? 

To understand the truth of the empowerment of the RUACH (Spirit) we need to turn to Scripture which tells something powerful:



Yochanan (John) 20: 21-22 So Yahshua said to them again, “Shalom (Peace) to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” 22 And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the RUACH Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit).


This verse speaks of the time when the Disciples are cringing behind locked doors for fear of death from the religious leaders not living in faith but absolute doubt & unbelief. Suddenly Yahshua appears to them & assures them that what the women had said was true & he rebukes them for their unbelief. This verse shows us something that we all need to understand. The first Work of the Holy Spirit is to bring faith alive in each of us, so Yahshua must breathe his RUACH (Spirit) into our life that we too can believe. It is also vital to remember that these same disciples after receiving the RUACH Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) at the resurrection made no attempt to tell anyone about the wondrous Besorah (the Good News) of Salvation but simple kept it to themselves & continued in fellowship, study & prayer. 


The First Work of the RUACH Ha Kodesh (The Holy Spirit):

  1. He convicts the World of sin and of righteousness, and of judgment: (Yochanan 16:8)

  2. He leads the believer into all Truth.

  3. He converts the Soul.

  4. He Sanctifies the Believer.

  5. He develops Character by building the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness & self-control.

  6. He brings Assurance.

  7. He causes the Word of Yahweh to be understood.

  8. He imparts the Divine Nature.

  9. He causes a hunger for the presence of Yahweh.

  10. He draws us to prayer.

  11. He strengthens us to believe.


Just as we have discovered through the Counting of the Omer that the journey to Sinai involves development of Character through Sanctification, Purity & Obedience none of which can be truly achieved without the work of the RUACH (the Spirit) unless it becomes legalistic or Ritualistic. It can only become Echad or one with YHWH by the work of the RUACH ha Kodesh the very Spirit of YHWH which the Disciples needed for them to attain spiritual knowledge and wisdom based on love the underlying heart of the Father.


With this understanding I love the way the following text brings that across in their wordings of the following: 


2 KephAH (Peter) 1:5 Yes and for this very reason He adds to you all diligence, that in your faith He supplies moral excellence and through moral excellence, He supplies knowledge, 

6 and through knowledge, He supplies self-control and through self-control persistence and through persistence He supplies the very nature of Almighty Loving YAH (God). 7 and through his nature, He supplies brotherly compassion and through brotherly compassion, He supplies YAH’s Love. (The King’s Covenant Version)


Most other versions have it like this:

2 Peter 1:5 But also for this very reason, do your utmost to add to your faith virtue, tovirtue knowledge, 6 to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance reverence, 7 to reverence brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love.  

I suggest that it is a partnership between the RUACH Ha Kodesh & us to attain to the Character of Machiach (Messiah). This Unity with the RUACH is wonderfully expressed by Shaul (Paul) in the Following & shows that by being in Echad we become true children of Elohim:


Romans 8:16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,

The Road to Understanding:

Right at this moment we are on that road that the Talmidim were on. They had begun on the road facing failure and death but with the appearances of Yahshua after his Resurrection their Spirits had been revived and now he was instructing them that it was time for them to reflect. This means they had to repent of their unbelief and begin to engross themselves in the true knowledge of the Torah (Law), The Nevim (Prophets) and the Ketuvim (Writings)being the complete works of the Tankh (the Old Testament) with new eyes since there was no Brit Chadashah (New Testament)  . They now understood in their own power they would fail but now through the indwelling RUACH their eyes would be opened. This however was not just a journey of knowledge but it was a journey of Character development and of removal of the Leaven of sin that lives in us. Again this must be seen not as committing great Sin but simply the sin of not allowing Yahweh to rule in all areas of life. We see that beautifully revealed in the words of the Master when he was praying before going out tothe Garden called Gethsemane where he would be tested after which his Talmidim (Disciples would be scattered:


 Yochanan (John) 17:20- 23 And I do not pray for these alone, but also for those believing in Me through their word, 21 so that they all might be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, so that they too might be one in Us, so that the world might believe that You have sent Me. 22 “And the esteem which You gave Me I have given them, so that they might be one as We are one, 23 “I in them, and You in Me, so that they might be perfected into one, so that the world knows that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.


This Journey that the Yahudim (Jews) refer to as “Sefirat Ha Omer” the Counting of the Sheaves for us should be far more than just studying ways to improve our outward display of personality which if that is all it achieves falls short of the purpose that Yahweh has for us. It should however be a drawing near to Yahweh in order to let him begin his work through the RUACH of pruning casting out the old Leaven and receiving the New Leaven of Heaven which relates to being in “Echad” in unity firstly with each other and also with Yahweh. 

That was the prayer that Yahshua brought before his Heavenly Father and that should be the aim for all of us. When we begin to be in unity and allow the RUACH to change our Hearts & Minds then we will be prepared, Purified & Sanctified to receive the next work of the RUACH Ha Kodesh which is to implant his Torah not on stone as it was at Sinai but more importantly to implant his Torah on our Hearts through the Power of the RUACH Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit). 

Without a renewed Character we will never come to the fullness of what his Torah (Instructions) are meant to produce. If his Torah only accumulates knowledge it will never be in Yahshua desires for us.  

Yahshua’s desire is that our Unity will be a sign to the World that Yahweh Elohim of all creation has sent Yahshua. This is why he says the following at the Last Supper:


Yochanan (John) 13:34- 35 A renewed command I give to you, that you love one another, as I

have loved you, that you also love one another. 35“By this shall all know that you are

My taught ones, if you have love for one another.”



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